
On the Mend

On the Mend

On the Mend--jeans pocket with scissors, thread, thimble, pin cushion, and measuring tapeSeveral family members recently suffered significant health problems. Most are now on the mend.

On the mend refers to healing.

  • Surgeries are over.
  • Health has improved.
  • They feel better.

Some continue treatments or therapy. Although still in recovery, they look forward to further healing.

Improved health does not equal perfect health.

However, they can enjoy:

  • Mended bones
  • Cured diseases
  • Restored strength and energy

They are alive and kicking (only not too high), and they keep on keeping on.

On the mend describes more than physical healing.

It also means repairs to:

  • Torn clothing
  • Ruined relationships
  • Damaged roads
  • Faulty morals
  • Shattered emotions

Although broken, all can mend.

Jesus offers to mend broken lives.

Just as He called fishermen mending their nets to follow Him, Jesus also calls people today. A positive answer results in:

  • Forgiveness for sins
  • A personal relationship with God
  • Peace, hope, joy, and love regardless of life’s circumstances
  • A perfect, eternal home in heaven

“Going on from there, He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets. He called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him (Matthew 4:21-22 NKJV).

Thanks to Melissa Bright for the suggestion.

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File 13

File 13

File 13--trash can filled with envelopes and paperOur mail, whether in a physical box or an online inbox, usually includes junk. Because we don’t want junk, we get rid of it. It goes in file 13.

File 13 means the trash can or wastebasket.

Unwanted paper and other trash land there. We want it gone, so we throw it away. We wish we would never have to see physical trash or online junk or spam again.

File 13 content sometimes threatens us.

People or organizations send information for:

  • Financial scams
  • Identity theft
  • Revenge

Shredding all mail with identifying information adds extra protection.

Other times, File 13 content simply frustrates us.

Frequently unwanted material includes:

  • Political flyers
  • Advertisements
  • Requests for money

Let’s keep junk out of our minds as well as our mailboxes.

What goes down in the well comes up in the bucket. Likewise, what goes in our minds comes out in our actions. May we wisely filter all we receive, think, say, and do. As one friend says, let’s use our heads for more than a hat rack.

Get rid of the trash. Keep the treasures.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away” (Ecclesiastes 3:1,6 NIV).

Thanks to Ann Klotz for the suggestion.

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Right Off the Bat

Right Off the Bat

Right Off the Bat--Batter hitting a ballWhen a batter hits a ball, that ball flies right off the bat. While the ball soars through the air, the batter runs toward first base without delay.

Right off the bat means immediately.

We don’t hesitate. Instead, we act:

  • Instantly
  • First thing

Rather than sit and ponder the possibilities, we move almost spontaneously.

We value first responders who act right off the bat.

Their speed often makes the difference in life and death.

  • Fire fighters
  • Law enforcement
  • Medical personnel

We don’t want precise workers to act right off the bat.

Their speed results in costly errors or conclusions.

  • Scientists
  • Accountants
  • Builders

For them, haste makes waste. If we demand their work immediately if not sooner, we suffer in the end.

May we always choose wisely between patience and speed.

Much in life is worth the wait. Yet, we never want to postpone decisions that require an immediate response.

Without delay [Jesus] called them, and they … followed him (Mark 1:20 NIV).

Thanks to Darrin Jenkins for the suggestion and to Richard Robards for the photo.

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Foot in the Door

Foot in the Door

Foot in the Door--leg and foot with jeans and cowboy boot entering a doorMy friend Collin White recently got his foot in the door for a lifelong dream. He performed on stage at the Grand Ole Opry. For anyone, that is quite a feat (pun intended). For a young man still in college, it’s nothing short of amazing.

Foot in the Door--Collin White with guitar, jeans, jacket, and cowboy hatTo get a foot in the door means the first step toward a goal.

Collin wants to sing professionally. He already sings in community, school, church, and multi-state events. He has released two songs. Both fit the Christian country genre. His dream is falling into place, one step at a time.

To get a foot in the door occasionally refers to a pushy person.

Such people use aggressive tactics. Door-to-door salespeople who stick their feet in doors so homeowners can’t close them come to mind. Their behavior often proves self-defeating (another pun intended). Instead of reaching their goals, they turn people against them.

That does not describe Collin. Instead, he puts his best foot forward.

The greatest door of opportunity remains open for all.

Jesus extends an invitation for:

  • Forgiveness
  • Salvation
  • Guidance
  • A home in heaven.

Never pushy, Jesus waits patiently for our response. It’s up to us to invite Jesus into our lives and to follow Him.

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me” (Revelation 3:20 NIV).

Thanks to Tracy Crump and Beckham Wilson for the suggestion and to Jill and Steve Floyd and Collin White for the photos.

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Short Leash

Short Leash

Short leash--Dog on short leash across a fence from a horseA friend recently said, “when we are dog-tired, we can be on that short leash of frustration and bark at others too easily.” How true. Fatigue often leads to frustration and harsh answers.

A short leash means strong control by someone or something.

When dog owners want more control over their dogs, they keep the leash short and the dogs close.

People on short emotional leashes know the feeling well. They enjoy little freedom.

We suffer if we allow emotions to keep us on a short leash.

God gave us emotions, but God also gave us minds. We never want our emotions to cloud good judgement.

Let’s choose a better way.

Rather than bark or yell at someone when upset, why not take time to calm down? We don’t want to say anything we regret. If we give it a rest long enough to get a grip, we don’t have to worry about going haywire.

“Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction” (Proverbs 29:18 NIV).

Thanks to Martha J. Orlando for the suggestion and to Chelsey Stone for the photo.

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Burn Boats

Burn Boats

Burn Boats--a burning ship at nightBurn boats is another expression more common among the British. In America, we usually refer to burning bridges or burning our bridges behind us. The two expressions have the same meaning.

Burn boats (or burn the ships) means to destroy all means of retreat.

 We leave no way to return to our previous situation. According to U.S. Dictionary, this idiom comes from “the story of Hernán Cortés, who, upon arriving in Mexico in 1519, ordered his men to burn their boats, making it clear that there was no turning back.”

When we burn boats in our lives, our commitment forces us to go forward.

We can only move toward the goal or battle before us. As with Cortez and his men, our decision is both brave and risky.

  • It is difficult or impossible to reverse.
  • Yet, we strive harder to achieve our purpose.

The song, “Burn the Ships,” by for King and Country is based on this expression. Learn the reason for their song choice here.

Sometimes we must turn away from our past in order to follow the right road ahead.

Rather than look back, we pursue the good God offers before us.

 “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14 NIV).

Thanks to Jonna J. LeVan for the suggestion. Photo by Klub Boks on Pexels.

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Hunker Down

Hunker Down

Hunker Down--Ocean storm with high wavesDuring recent storms, many of us had to hunker down in more than one way. We protected ourselves from the storms’ initial danger. Afterwards, we worked hard to recover from any damage.

The Free Dictionary gives four meanings for hunker down.

  1. “Literally to squat.” We bend our knees to lower ourselves.
  2. “To seek refuge.” We find shelter when dangers arise.
  3. “To work or begin to work … in a determined manner.” We clean up after a disaster or we study hard.
  4. “To stubbornly maintain some belief.” We refuse to compromise, change our mind, or admit when we make a mistake.

Although I have heard this expression used all four ways, I usually think of the second one. Similar to a ship’s crew that battens down the hatches, we prepare for a storm.

Storms occur in all areas of life.

  • Physical—Bad weather, health problems, or accidents
  • Mental—Illness, educational challenges, or overload
  • Emotional—Relationship issues, stress, or uncertainty
  • Spiritual—Persecution, false information, or poor choices

Whatever storm we face, we never have to hunker down alone.

If we turn to God, God remains with us. One of my favorite old gospel songs promises, “No, Never Alone.”

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV).

Which meaning of hunker down have you heard or used?

Thanks to Judy Glen Corbin for the suggestion. Image by Didier from Pixabay.

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Bite Someone’s Head Off

Bite Someone’s Head Off

Bite Someone's Head Off: tiger with open mouthWhen we see a tiger or other wild animal open its mouth and hear it roar, we may fear it will bite someone’s head off. When we open our mouths while angry, other people may expect us to bite their heads off.

To bite someone’s head off means to react in anger.

We have a bad day, so we take it out on the people around us. They may have no idea why we react as we do, since they did nothing to provoke us.

Other times, people may irritate us with what we consider inappropriate behavior.

Either way, we act or react with:

  • Rage
  • Force
  • Impatience

A similar expression is to snap someone’s head off.

Both mean to scold or speak in a mean manner. If we are mad at the world, whoever comes our way suffers.

Our response to others matters.

Once we speak words, we can’t take them back. We can apologize, but the harm remains.

We all have bad days.

However, we decide whether we will do the best we can or make life miserable for everyone we encounter. Remember, we catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Will we spread:

  • Health or harm?
  • Love or hate?
  • Encouragement or despair?

Let’s not allow bad days to control us. Rather, let’s bite our tongues and treat others as we want to be treated.

“They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim cruel words like deadly arrows. (Psalm 64:3 NIV).

Thanks to Katherine Pasour for the suggestion. Photo by shravan khare on Pexels.

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Butt Heads with Someone

Butt Heads with Someone

Butt Heads with Someone--two boys with heads together and fists clenchedWhen we butt heads with someone, we cause and receive pain. No fun.

Literally, to butt heads means to hit heads together.

We often see this when animals lock horns. They fight to determine who will lead their group.

Figuratively, to butt heads means to strongly disagree or have an intense argument.

This causes problems in any relationship:

  • Families
  • Friends
  • Neighbors
  • Political parties
  • Social organizations

 The tactics in such arguments aim to hurt rather than heal.

  • Name calling
  • Disrespect
  • Physical or verbal fights

 Rather than butt heads, we need to learn to get along.

We can disagree in an agreeable way. If we explain our differences in a calm, respectful manner, everyone wins. Two heads are better than one applies even when the two heads disagree.

 What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?” (James 4:1 NIV).

Thanks to Tracy Crump for the suggestion and to Megan Wollman for the photo.

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Dog-tired--dog lying downAfter a dog’s long hunt, chase, or play, it drops to the ground dog-tired. Following long busy days, we also feel tuckered out and want to collapse.

Dog-tired means exhausted.

Worn out, we want nothing more than rest. We long for:

Dog-tired often makes us grouchy.

We don’t want anyone or anything to bother us. If someone interrupts our rest, our response frequently falls short of perfect.

Like dogs, our fatigue comes from common causes.

We engage in too much:

  • Work
  • Play
  • Other activity with too little time

When possible, let’s pace ourselves.

  • Work with others so workloads don’t overload.
  • Take time to enjoy favorite activities.
  • Do what we can and don’t stress about the rest.

Look for the positives in whatever we do and try not to overdo.

“For I have given rest to the weary and joy to all the sorrowing” (Jeremiah 31:25 TLB).

Thanks to Beckham Wilson for the suggestion.

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