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Smack Dab in the Middle

Smack Dab in the Middle

Smack Dab in the Middle--chandelier in center of Biltmore Estate staircaseI discovered this lovely chandelier smack dab in the middle of a winding staircase at Biltmore Estate. It helps light the way for anyone climbing the stairs. It also adds beauty to the climb.

Smack dab in the middle means exactly in the middle.

It may apply to place, like the location of this light fixture. Place also refers to geography, such as the center of a town, state, or country.

In addition to place, smack dab in the middle refers to:

  • Size – between the largest and the smallest
  • Level – straight rather than crooked
  • Position – in the middle of other people
  • Opinion – agreement with points on both sides of an issue

Smack dab in the middle can be good or bad.

  • People choose the size of their meal by how hungry they are.
  • Homeowners usually want straight walls. Artwork with crooks and curves adds interest.
  • Some people hate a middle position. Others like it. Relationship matters more than position.
  • A middle opinion or compromise often works. However, people must occasionally stand firm.

Whether people are smack dab in the middle or not, this chandelier offers important lessons.

It also offers a lovely reminder to remain smack dab in the middle of God’s will.

“Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil” (Proverbs 4:27 NIV).

Thanks to Margaret Bertram for the suggestion.

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Two Left Feet

Two Left Feet

Two Left Feet--two left shoes on feetSometimes I think I was born with two left feet. I constantly bump into things and discover bruises with no idea how I got them.

I have had this talent all my life. As a child, I practiced math by counting my bruises. I think fifteen to twenty was my record.

Two left feet means clumsy.

I bump into:

  • Doors
  • Furniture
  • Counter tops

This awkward talent often results from having my head in the clouds. My mind wanders. I fail to pay attention.

Two left feet often refers to a poor dancer.

I have never danced much. However, when I dance, I pay more attention. A few people have a tough time getting their dancing feet to work together.

Practice improves coordination.

 If I focus on my task, I run into things less often. If dancers practice, they improve their skill. Paying attention always helps.

When walking or dancing, focus on feet. When reading or talking, watch those words. When listening, remain all ears. Pay special attention when God directs.

“Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say” (Isaiah 28:23 NIV).

Thanks to Charles Smithers for the suggestion.

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Go Overboard

Go Overboard

Go Overboard--boat below Niagara Falls“Mama, get the hammer. There’s a fly on Grandpa’s head.” When I read that quote, shared by Tillie Cowherd, I laughed out loud. How perfectly it describes when we go overboard.

We may not realize how easily we go overboard until:

  • We pay special attention to our actions
  • Another person mentions our behavior to us

To go overboard on a boat or ship means to jump or fall into the water.

That may be okay if we:

  • Can swim
  • Land in safe water.

However, we risk our lives if we:

  • Cannot swim
  • Enter dangerous water

 Figuratively, to go overboard means to go to extremes.

We fail to think before we act. Our enthusiasm exceeds our good sense. Therefore, we:

  • Act highfalutin
  • Spend more money than we can repay
  • Tackle more responsibilities than we can complete

We go too far, and we usually suffer.

Enthusiasm can be good.

It helps us:

However, we don’t want to get in over our heads.

Better to use wisdom than to suffer from extreme behavior.

Don’t kill a fly with a hammer … especially if the fly lands on grandpa’s head.

“Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes” (Ecclesiastes 7:18 NIV).

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Under Wraps

Under Wraps

Under Wraps--gifts under a Christmas treeDuring Christmas, we keep a lot of things under wraps. We hide gifts in closets and under beds. When no one is looking, we wrap our gifts with paper and bows. Once under the tree, everyone wants to know what those packages contain.

If we keep anything under wraps, we keep it a secret.

We don’t want others to know our information. Our secret usually lasts a short time. Examples, other than Christmas presents, include:

  • News reports
  • An engagement
  • Whether a baby will be a boy or girl

We don’t want others to know what is under wraps until the right time.

If people spill the beans, they ruin our plans. Therefore, we tell them to bite their tongues – to stay quiet.

Not everything we wrap is under wraps.

We want to share most good news.

The greatest gift came wrapped in strips of cloth.

When Jesus was born, angels announced His birth to shepherds. The shepherds found Jesus lying in a manger. Afterwards, they told others what they had heard and seen.

Let’s not keep the good news of Jesus under wraps.

Instead, let’s share with the world what the angels proclaimed.

“A Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger” (Luke 2:11-12 NIV).

Thanks to Joy S. Taylor for the suggestion.

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Swan Song

Swan Song

Swan Song--swan with wings spreadSwans capture our attention like few other birds. Their grace and beauty amaze us. The image of a swan song increases their attraction.

A swan song is a last performance or work.

We usually relate it to singers or other performers. Farewell tours have become common. However, swan song refers to any worker’s final effort before death or retirement.

This expression comes from an ancient legend that swans sing before they die.

The legend says swans remain mute until their final beautiful, mournful music. According to The Phrase Finder, the legend is false. All swans “have a variety of vocal sounds and they don’t sing before they die.”

Yet, the legend does tell a beautiful story. It appears in several well-known works, including:

  • Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice
  • The Orlando Gibbons madrigal, “The Silver Swan

May we never wait until our swan song to do our best.

God created us for a purpose. Whatever our gifts, let’s give life our best, from the beginning to the end of the road.

“I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live”
 (Psalm 104:33).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion. Image by miniformat65 from Pixabay.

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Hands Are Tied

Hands Are Tied

Hands Are Tied--rope tied around wristsMost of us experience times we want to do something but can’t. Our hands are tied. Reasons include:

  • We are too busy.
  • Our boss does not allow it.
  • We lack necessary resources.
  • The law or other rules prevent it.

If our hands are tied, we are not free to act.

Like a prisoner, circumstances limit us. Although we want to make a change or help someone, we can’t.

Occasionally we say our hands are tied as an excuse.

We don’t want to do something. Yet, we say, “I can’t” rather than “I don’t want to.” Most people recognize such dishonesty immediately, or they learn about it later. Better to stay as good as our word and speak only the truth.

Many times, we give up too soon.

We try on our own and fall flat. If we pray, God may open new possibilities. The impossible becomes possible with God.

Make a difference when we can. Seek help when we can’t.

 Everyone can make a positive difference. Rarely are our hands tied.

With God’s help and the help of other people, we can make our world a better place.

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” Hebrews 4:16 NIV).

Thanks to Patty Cooper Emerson for the suggestion.

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Butter Up

Butter Up

Butter Up-butter with knife and a butter moldWhen we prepare special meals or snacks, we often butter up our food to make it taste better. What would holiday meals be like without butter for the turkey, rolls, and desserts? Who wants to eat popcorn without butter during a movie? Most people find butter a pleasing addition.

Not my husband. When he was three years old, his grandmother used a mold to create a beautiful dish of butter. When he saw it on the kitchen table, he thought it was ice cream. Like most little boys would do, he found a spoon and took a bite. He still hates butter.

To butter up means to flatter or be extra nice to someone.

We usually do this before we:

  • Ask for a favor
  • Give bad news

This expression applies to most relationships.

Children butter up their parents before they ask for:

  • Money
  • A special toy or gift
  • Use of the car

Or, children may have to tell parents of :

  • Trouble they caused
  • Bad grades
  • Chores they failed to do

Students also butter up their teachers, hoping for a better grade. Employees butter up their bosses before requesting a raise.

If we do our best, we don’t have to butter up anyone.

Instead of being nice in order to get what we want, why not be nice all the time? Rather than put off bad news, why not be honest from the start? We never need to butter up if we stay on the up and up and do what we need to do.

 “You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed—God is our witness” (1 Thessalonians 2:5 NIV).

Thanks to Regina Graham for the suggestion.

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Shoot the Breeze

Shoot the Breeze

Shoot the Breeze--two women in rocking chairs on a porchOur family loves to sit on the porch or under a tree and shoot the breeze. Like Mom and Aunt Ersie always did, we enjoy time together. We talk almost constantly. However, our conversations usually focus on fun.

We get serious when we must, but we rather not.

To shoot the breeze refers to casual conversation.

Talk stays:

  • Friendly
  • Informal
  • Light-hearted

We chase rabbits rather than discuss world news. With no plan, we talk about whatever comes to mind and seldom lock horns in debate.

When conversations slow, we relax in one another’s company.

Occasionally, we must rest our vocal cords. If that happens, we  find pleasure in the wind’s breeze. Quiet time prepares us for another round of conversation.

Or we eat. Of course, we usually talk while we eat. After all, food is one of our favorite topics.

We cannot shoot the breeze forever.

Although we love fun times, we must still tackle life’s hard issues. A few moments to rest and shoot the breeze help prepare us to deal with life’s problems and sorrows.

“There is a time for everything, a time to weep and a time to laugh” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4 NIV).

Thanks to Janna Babak for the suggestion.

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A Day Late and a Dollar Short

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

A Day Late and a Dollar Short--several dollar bills spread outAs a child, I often heard people say they were a day late and a dollar short. They usually meant they did not have enough money to buy something or pay a bill.

However, I learned the expression has a greater meaning.

A day late and a dollar short means to be unprepared and too late.

That can be money for purchases or bills, as I thought. It can also mean not enough effort in:

  • Relationships
  • Work
  • Personal goals

In each one, people fail to get the ball rolling. They dillydally when they need to get to work.

Lack of effort and failure to be on time benefit no one.

Everyone loses.

  • Family members who ignore one another threaten their relationships
  • Lazy workers hurt their employers and risk losing their jobs.
  • Anyone who invests little time or effort fails to achieve their best.

Prepare. Work well. Use time wisely.

A good plan for now and eternity, don’t you agree?

“Jesus replied, ‘My light will shine out for you just a little while longer. Walk in it while you can, and go where you want to go before the darkness falls, for then it will be too late for you to find your way’” (John 12:35 TLB).

Thanks to Emily Akin for the suggestion.

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Congratulations to Betty Johnson whose name was randomly drawn from my mailing list for a free copy of Tracy Crump’s book, Health, Healing, and Wholeness: Devotions of Hope in the Midst of Illness.

Take the Cotton Out of Your Ears and Put It in Your Mouth

Take the Cotton Out of Your Ears and Put It in Your Mouth

Take the Cotton Out of Your Ears and Put It in Your Mouth--cotton balls in an earA friend’s mother-in-law used to tell family members, “Take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth.” Many of us have probably heard the same or similar expressions.

Take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth means to stop talking and start listening.

When we talk all the time, we fail to hear what others say. Their words go in one ear and out the other.

God gave us two ears and one mouth. That tells us something important, don’t you think? If we listen more than talk, we have fewer conflicts and greater cooperation.

We learn more when we listen.            

If we listen closely, all ears, we hear – not just noise or words, but also what the other person means.

We regret less when we listen.

If we wait to talk until we hear the other person’s point of view, we have fewer problems. We avoid putting our foot in our mouth.

The next time we want to talk too much rather than listen, let’s remember how God created us– one mouth, two ears.

“You have seen many things, but you pay no attention; your ears are open, but you do not listen” (Isaiah 42:20 NIV).

Thanks to Brad Palmer for the suggestion and to Travis Gosser for the photo.

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