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Tag: adventure

Off the Beaten Path

Off the Beaten Path

Off the Beaten PathIf you have an opportunity, watch cattle. Few stray off the beaten path.

They line up, single file, and walk the same path every day. The grass on that path becomes beaten down and dies.

That seems funny, because most cows have an entire field to explore. However, think about our own behavior.

  • Notice families on vacation.
  • Check interstates that lead to well-known tourist attractions.
  • Compare restaurant chains to little-known cafes.

Cars line up like cattle, one after the other, all with the same destination.

I challenge you to go off the beaten path.

  • Skip the crowded beaches, amusement parks, and restaurants.
  • Learn to read a map instead of depending on another person or devices’s directions.
  • Choose an out-of-the-way place to visit.

Tiny crooked roads led to some of our family’s greatest adventures.

  • We crossed mountains, crept down dirt roads, and explored small towns.
  • We traveled miles without a sign of civilization.
  • We discovered one-of-a-kind festivals and art shows.
  • We drove a highway many consider the most scenic in America.

All these we found by looking on a map and saying, “That looks interesting.”

We enjoy the well-worn, high traffic areas too. Yet, nothing compares to the little known jewels we found off the beaten path.

Look for those scenic, relaxing places away from the crowds. While you’re at it, seek spiritual refreshment found only in moments alone with God.

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it” (Psalm 24:1).

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine
Courtesy of Jeri Stone

“Rise and shine! Day has broken!” Regardless of the circumstances, that was our father’s morning wake-up call. Who needed an alarm clock with Dad around?

His greeting came:

  • After dates
  • After slumber parties
  • On weekends
  • On holidays
  • Every single day

Friends might sleep until noon, but not us. We crawled out of bed. Dad said it was time to face the day, so we faced the day. At times we:

  • Muttered under our breath
  • Wanted to throw a pillow at him
  • Wondered how any sane person could be cheerful that early

Nevertheless, Dad said to rise and shine. Rise we did. Shine … not so often.

I now know Dad didn’t always feel that cheerful either. But whether he felt it or not, he said it.

The message we received from that daily ritual included more than, “Get up you sleepyheads.” Dad was telling us:

  • Every day’s an adventure. Don’t waste it.
  • We have much to do. Let’s do it.

Of course, Dad was right. Every day holds adventure. To see it, we must open our eyes. To make the most of it, we have to open our hearts.

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you” (Isaiah 60:1 NIV).

Did your Dad or Mom have a favorite expression? If so, I’d love to hear it.

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