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Keep Your Hair On

Keep Your Hair On

Keep Your Hair On -- Girl with hair blowing around her faceHave you ever been in a windstorm where you felt like your hair was lifting off your head? If you wear a wig, the results can be disastrous and hilarious. You want to keep your hair on. Therefore, you hope the wind calms so your hair can do the same.

To keep your hair on means to stay calm.

People say this if you are:

They often say it as an order. They want you to get a grip.

You hear this expression primarily in the UK.

An American equivalent is to keep your shirt on. Both expressions caution you to regain control.

Keeping your hair on helps you be your best self.

Remaining calm and patient leads to a better:

  • Attitude
  • Blood pressure
  • Relationship with others

I pray you stay settled and at peace.

“I have calmed and quieted myself” (Psalm 131:2 NIV).

Thanks to Victor S E Moubarak for the suggestion. Image by Petra from Pixabay.

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Hit the Roof

Hit the Roof

Hit the Roof: Fist up through shattered glassPeople rarely hit the roof physically. However, they frequently hit the roof emotionally.

To hit the roof means to become extremely angry or upset.

According to The Idioms, the expression refers to “being so enraged that you could actually bang your head on the roof (or ceiling) … because you feel like exploding.” Similar expressions include:

People lose their temper.

Reasons people hit the roof vary.

For example, they get angry when they:

  • Fail to get their way
  • See rules broken
  • Experience loss or injury
  • Discover betrayal

Hit the roof also refers to sharp price increases.

  • Goods and services grow more expensive.
  • Stocks rise.

If people invest money, they enjoy those increases. If they make purchases, they want the costs to remain low.

It pays to invest emotions and finances wisely.

Maintain control and do what’s right. Spend time and money productively.

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice” (Ephesians 4:31 NIV).

Thanks to Lindy Pierce for the suggestion. Image by wendy CORNIQUET from Pixabay.

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Ruffled Feathers

Ruffled Feathers

Ruffled Feathers--white bird with ruffled feathers

Notice this bird’s ruffled feathers. The bird may feel mad or scared. It may want to appear stronger if it fears attack. Or a blowing wind may have caused the feathers to stick out. It makes me think of people on bad-hair days.

If we have ruffled feathers, we feel angry or frightened.

Circumstances or people make us:

  • Annoyed
  • Upset
  • Aggravated
  • Afraid

We don’t like what they did or how they did it. They get our goat by irritating us with their words or behavior. Or they scare us.

Riled up has a similar meaning.

Occasionally we combine the two by saying, “Don’t get your feathers all riled up.” Such reactions may occur about:

  • Wars
  • Insults
  • Politics
  • Injustice
  • Negative reactions to anything or anyone we love

Rather than rile or ruffle feathers, let’s try to calm or smooth them.

Bad hair days cause no real harm. Ruffled feathers can.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9 NIV).

Thanks to Beverly Ennis for the suggestion and the photo.

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Kick Myself

Kick Myself

Kick Myself--boy posed to kickI hate to lose anything. When that happens, I could just kick myself.

My dad often quoted the proverbial “a place for everything and everything in its place.” That does make life easier. However, things occasionally get misplaced.

Kick myself means I get upset or angry about something I did or failed to do.

  • I’m frustrated.
  • I scold myself, either aloud or in my mind.
  • I’m disappointed by my actions or inactions.

 It also means to regret my behavior or failure.

Examples include when:

  • I miss an opportunity to help others.
  • My words or actions hurt anyone.
  • I forget an important occasion.

Rather than kick myself, I need to correct what I did.

I want to:

  • Search for what I lost.
  • Take advantage of future opportunities.
  • Use my words and actions to help rather than hurt.
  • Apologize for misdeeds.

No one is perfect.

As long as I am alive and kicking, I will make mistakes.

God offers a better way than to kick myself.

 When I fail to follow God’s perfect way, confession is good for the soul. God extends forgiveness and the opportunity for a fresh start when I come clean.

God offers that same opportunity to you.

“‘I turned away from God, but I was sorry afterwards. I kicked myself for my stupidity. I was thoroughly ashamed of all I did in younger days.’ And the Lord replies: Ephraim is still my son, my darling child. I had to punish him, but I still love him. I long for him and surely will have mercy on him.’” (Jeremiah 31:19-20 TLB).

Thanks to Laura Lee Leathers for the suggestion and to Katherine Bonds for the photo.

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