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Kick Myself

Kick Myself

Kick Myself--boy posed to kickI hate to lose anything. When that happens, I could just kick myself.

My dad often quoted the proverbial “a place for everything and everything in its place.” That does make life easier. However, things occasionally get misplaced.

Kick myself means I get upset or angry about something I did or failed to do.

  • I’m frustrated.
  • I scold myself, either aloud or in my mind.
  • I’m disappointed by my actions or inactions.

 It also means to regret my behavior or failure.

Examples include when:

  • I miss an opportunity to help others.
  • My words or actions hurt anyone.
  • I forget an important occasion.

Rather than kick myself, I need to correct what I did.

I want to:

  • Search for what I lost.
  • Take advantage of future opportunities.
  • Use my words and actions to help rather than hurt.
  • Apologize for misdeeds.

No one is perfect.

As long as I am alive and kicking, I will make mistakes.

God offers a better way than to kick myself.

 When I fail to follow God’s perfect way, confession is good for the soul. God extends forgiveness and the opportunity for a fresh start when I come clean.

God offers that same opportunity to you.

“‘I turned away from God, but I was sorry afterwards. I kicked myself for my stupidity. I was thoroughly ashamed of all I did in younger days.’ And the Lord replies: Ephraim is still my son, my darling child. I had to punish him, but I still love him. I long for him and surely will have mercy on him.’” (Jeremiah 31:19-20 TLB).

Thanks to Laura Lee Leathers for the suggestion and to Katherine Bonds for the photo.

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Burn Our Bridges Behind Us

Burn Our Bridges Behind Us

Burn Our Bridges behind UsWe can’t go back when we burn our bridges behind us.

 An army occasionally burns bridges when it does not want its enemy to follow. However, that also means the army can’t return across those bridges.

Likewise, we burn our bridges behind us when we make decisions we can’t change.

We can’t undo them, just as we can’t unscramble eggs. For example, we might:

  • Get a tattoo
  • Quit school

Our behavior can also burn our bridges behind us.

Some actions make people want us to stay away. This often happens if we:

  • Yell at our boss and quit our job
  • Get a divorce

Rather than build bridges, we destroy them.

Sometimes we can repair burned bridges or build new ones.

Yet, the situation will never be the same. We try to make it as good as possible. Much like we mend fences, we rebuild our bridges.

That may mean we:

  • Walk through water until we build a new bridge
  • Cover our tattoo or have surgery to remove it
  • Return to school as an older student
  • Apologize to our boss or spouse

Water under the bridge means the past can’t be changed. What happened in the past may or may not have been our choice. However, when we burn our bridges behind us, we make the choice. Let’s be sure we want to live with the choices we make.

“If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me” (Jeremiah 15:19 NIV).

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Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

Mend Fences

Mend Fences

Mend Fences-a while fence around a field, clouds overheadI love fences.

I know some people say, “Don’t fence me in,” meaning they want their freedom. I like freedom too. Still, I enjoy the beauty of fences.

  • Fences give order.
  • They look neat.
  • Sometimes they provide safety.

However, we need to mend (repair) fences occasionally.

  • Fences break.
  • They need paint.
  • Animals damage them.
  • They start leaning the wrong way.
  • They get dirty.

If we don’t mend them, they won’t stay safe, neat, orderly, and beautiful.

Occasionally we need to mend fences in our relationships.

  • We disagree, argue, or fight.
  • We neglect one another.
  • Hard times hurt us.
  • We let others lead us the wrong way.
  • We betray one another.

We mend fences when we improve our relationships.

How do we do that? We learn to:

  • Disagree without arguing or fighting
  • Spend special time together
  • Refuse to follow bad examples
  • Support one another through hard times
  • Apologize when we do wrong

Of course, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If we take care of our relationships every day, we don’t have to spend so much time mending them. That seems a small price to pay for a safe, neat, orderly, beautiful relationship.

“Turn us back to You, O Lord, and we will be restored; Renew our days as of old” (Lamentations 5:21 NKJV).

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