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As Friendly as a Puppy

As Friendly as a Puppy

As Friendly as a Puppy 1If you own a puppy, you know the joy of complete acceptance. That puppy loves you. He doesn’t care about your status:

  • Who you are
  • What you have done
  • How you look
  • What you say

He wants to be with you. He remains your friend through thick and thin.

A puppy knows how to have fun. He finds pleasure in the little things.

  • Chewing on a bone
  • Chasing a ball
  • Running and jumping

If you let him, he will share his joy with you:

  • Snuggling close to you
  • Barking for attention
  • Letting you scratch his ears or rub his tummy

A puppy can turn frowns into smiles simply by being a puppy.

His behavior may change when you hurt:

  • Sitting still beside you
  • Listening as you talk or cry
  • Whimpering to share your grief
  • Offering an occasional lick of love

A puppy gives his friendship without criticism or judgment.

When he thinks you’re in danger, his behavior changes again:

  • Barking to warn you
  • Trying to pull you to safety
  • Not quitting until you move

Why can’t we all be as friendly as a puppy?

“There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24 NIV).

Special thanks to the Bloyd family. Their photo of pure puppy joy reminds us that puppies are also good medicine.

Do you have a favorite puppy tale? If so, please comment.

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