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Busy as a Bee

Busy as a Bee

Busy as a Bee3We do well when we learn to be busy as a bee.

For a free lesson in useful activity, watch honeybees. They don’t just buzz around. They find food and water for themselves and their hives (bee community). They also help us.

You heard me right. We need bees. Don’t kill them.

We use their honey, honeycomb, and beeswax for food, makeup, and more.

Farmers need bees to pollinate their crops. Without bees, we would not have as much food or as many food choices.

Can you imagine life without flowers and their wonderful smell?

Busy as a Bee 4In addition, honeybees communicate by the way they fly. Their flight patterns give directions and other important information to the rest of their hive.

Honeybees complete the tasks they were created to do.

In the process, they help others, near and far.

If only humans did so well. Are you busy as a bee?

“I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received” (Ephesians 4:1 NIV).

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