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Tag: blacksmith

Too Many Irons in the Fire

Too Many Irons in the Fire

Too Many Irons in the Fire--Anthony SalyersAnthony Salyers demonstrates the work of an old-time blacksmith shop during Greg Lawhorn’s annual Molasses Day. Anthony knows not to put too many irons in the fire. If he does, he will probably ruin part of his work.

Many of us have not learned that lesson. We fail to limit ourselves. Instead, we stay busy as bees with too many activities at one time.

Too many irons in the fire means we try to do more than we can handle.

A blacksmith must limit the number of irons in the fire when making horseshoes or other items. We must also limit what we do, if we want to do anything well.

Although we know better, we still try to do too much.

We overload ourselves with:

  • Work commitments
  • Family responsibilities
  • Community events

Often vacations get overloaded as well. We cram as much as we can into the short time we have. As a result, we return to work exhausted.

With too many irons in the fire, something will eventually fail.

  • Our work becomes less than the best.
  • We get sick.
  • Our families struggle.
  • No one’s needs get met.

Rather than overdo, why not do what we can do well?

Focus on the most important. If we have time and energy, we can add more. If we see we cannot do it all, let someone help.

“You’re going to wear yourself out—and if you do, what will happen to the people?” (Exodus 18:18 TLB).

Thanks to Emily Akin for the suggestion.

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Strike While the Iron Is Hot

Strike While the Iron Is Hot

Strike While the Iron Is Hot-making a horseshoeA blacksmith must strike while the iron is hot. When fire makes iron soft, the blacksmith hits it with his hammer. Only then can he shape it.

If he waits too long, the iron cools. It becomes too hard to shape. He must act quickly – when the time is right.

We must also strike while the iron is hot.

Like farmers who make hay while the sun shines, we act while we have the opportunity. If we wait, we may be too late.

Some tasks wait with no problem (dusting furniture). Others demand immediate attention (hungry children).

Some opportunities come only once. For example, we see people in need we will never see again. With those, we must act quickly.

Relationships matter most.

We often delay caring for people, especially those closest to us.

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Neighbors

We think we have plenty of time. Therefore, we never take the time to keep those relationships strong. As a result, we may lose them.

Remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Better to build strong relationships now than have to mend fences later. Look for ways to:

  • Show love.
  • Help one another.
  • Spend time together.
  • Make good memories.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17 NIV).

Thanks to Shirley Redding Rice for the suggestion.

Do you have a favorite expression or one you want explained? If so, please comment.

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