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Cream of the Crop

Cream of the Crop

Cream of the Crop--men at army reunionThe men in this group are some of the finest I know. They are the cream of the crop.

All served in the army as members of A Company, 1st of the 501st. Many suffer health issues as a result of their service. Not all remain with us.

Cream of the crop means the best.

Just as cream is the richest part of milk and rises to the top, these men rose to the challenge to serve when called. When they gather, they always remember their comrades—their brothers—who returned home in flag-draped boxes plus those who have died since their return home. The men (and women) who went beyond the call of duty are gone but not forgotten.

Those in the cream of the crop challenge us to give our best.

We may not be summoned for military service. Yet, we can serve in some way.

God calls us to make our world a better place.

Memorial Day and always, may the needs around us and the memories of those who gave their all spur us to action.

There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. (1 Corinthians 12:5 NIV).

Thanks to Beckham Wilson for the suggestion.

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