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High Cotton

High Cotton

High Cotton-cotton plant beneath blue skyWhether we know it or not, we probably wish we were in high cotton.

During the height of cotton’s growing season, fluffy fields of white appear throughout the southern United States. Growers hope for a successful crop.

When we achieve success, we are in high cotton.

  • Businesses earn a high profit.
  • Students make good grades.
  • Families enjoy the perfect home.
  • Children receive their favorite toys.

High cotton does not give us the right to act high and mighty.

Success does not make us any better or worse than anyone else. With an attitude of gratitude, we use our success to help other people succeed. Rather than a big head, we develop a big heart.

We want to bear fruit that makes a lasting impact.

We have only a few years on this earth. What we do with them makes an eternal difference.

Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all (1 Chronicles 29:12 NIV).

Thanks to James E. Hodges for the suggestion. Image by Clayton Decker from Pixabay.

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On the Up and Up

On the Up and Up

On the Up and Up--hot air balloons in front of cloudsOn the up and up sometimes refers to people becoming successful.

With high goals and hard work, they strive for a good:

  • Income
  • Reputation
  • Position

They rise in the business world.

On the up and up also refers to anything improving.

  • Health
  • Work
  • Relationships

Today’s focus relates to behavior.

People on the up and up are:

  • Honest
  • Dependable
  • Respectable
  • Fair

Anything they say can be taken to the bank. As good as their word, they have no need to hide anything they do.

  • When they make a deal, they honor their agreement.
  • If they share information, no one doubts its truth.
  • When they promise to do something, they do it.

People whose behavior is on the up and up live clean, moral, legally upright lives.

They want to do what is right. They may not become rich or famous. However, they find far greater success than money or fame. Their choices give them a clear conscience – a gift money can never buy.

“May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, Lord, is in you” (Psalm 25:21 NIV).

Thanks to Brad Leverett for the suggestion. Image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay

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