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Sleep Like a Log

Sleep Like a Log


Sleep Like a Log--large log with branches still attached before a tall treeI rise early most mornings. However, caregiving, especially getting up several times a night, occasionally wears me down. If I become extremely tired and have few interruptions, I sleep like a log.

Recently, after days of meeting myself coming and going, I slept almost two hours past my usual wakeup. I felt wonderful! A good night’s sleep solves a lot of life’s woes!

To sleep like a log means a deep, restful sleep.

Similar expressions include sleep like a:

  • Baby
  • Top
  • Rock

All mean to sleep:

  • Well
  • Soundly
  • Without waking

To sleep like a log can be dangerous.

Although we want to sleep soundly, we can overdo it. A friend in college slept so well that other people in his dorm had to wake him when his alarm went off. I once slept through a tornado warning. Someone finally realized I was missing and woke me.

Several steps help achieve a good night’s rest.

  • Go to bed and get up about the same time every day.
  • Keep the room free of distractions.
  • Maintain a regular pre-sleep routine.
  • Eliminate screen time an hour or more before going to bed.

God gave us the gift of sleep. Let’s make the most of it.

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:8 NIV).

Thanks to Joanne Viola for the suggestion.

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