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Tag: change

Turn Over a New Leaf

Turn Over a New Leaf

Turn Over a New LeafI always thought of a leaf on a tree when I heard the expression turn over a new leaf. I knew it meant people wanted to change. So, I thought of new leaves growing on trees or leaves changing colors.

A little checking proved me wrong.

I had the meaning right.

If we turn over a new leaf, we:

  • Want to do better than we have in the past
  • Plan a fresh start
  • Change our attitude or behavior
  • Leave our past behind

I had the origin wrong.

The expression refers to turning to a new page in a book. Another name for page is leaf. Therefore, when we turn over a new leaf, we start a clean page in our lives. We begin again.

Whether talking about leaves on a tree or leaves in a book, the meaning remains the same. We change for the better.

“If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV).

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Don’t Rock the Boat

Don’t Rock the Boat

Don't Rock the Boat“Don’t rock the boat.” “Leave everything as it is.” “Maintain the status quo.”

We have many ways to tell one another not to change anything.

Change is hard, yet:

  • To make wrongs right requires change.
  • Progress requires change.
  • Learning requires change.

If we rock the boat when fishing:

  • We may fall out.
  • The boat may turn over.
  • We may scare away the fish.

If we rock the boat in life:

  • We may become uncomfortable.
  • Other people may become uncomfortable or angry.
  • We may make mistakes.

Yet, nothing ventured, nothing gained. We can’t move forward without change.

Don’t rock the boat just to cause trouble. Do rock the boat when the boat needs rocked.

“Make the most of every opportunity” (Colossians 4:5).

Thanks to Debbie Tapscott for suggesting this expression.

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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