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Putting on the Ritz

Putting on the Ritz

Putting on the Ritz-gold stars on a fine gold wire backgroundDuring Christmas, we see examples of putting on the Ritz all around us.

  • Elaborate decorations
  • Rich food
  • Lavish gifts (and lots of them)
  • Lovely lights

Those of us who usually live simple lives go overboard in December.

Putting on the Ritz refers to the Ritz Hotels.

Those hotels offer a life of luxury. Only the wealthy can afford them. Occasionally, we may save enough money to enjoy that lifestyle for a few days. Sadly, some of us charge now and pay much more than the original cost later.

Fred Astaire made the Irving Berlin song, “Putting on the Ritz” popular.

When we put on the Ritz, we act rich and stylish.

We may not be able to afford to live high on the hog. Yet, we pretend we can. We like special treatment. An occasional splurge may lift our spirits.

However, let’s never forget those who need the basics.

Many in our world don’t have enough food, heat, shelter, or clothing. This Christmas and throughout the year, let’s brighten their lives by sharing with them.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:19-20 NIV).

Thanks to Lindy Pierce for the suggestion. Image by Annette Meyer from Pixabay

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Money Burns a Hole in Their Pocket

Money Burns a Hole in Their Pocket

Money Burns a Hole in Their Pocket--empty pocket pulled out of jeansSome people never save for a rainy day. Money burns a hole in their pocket.

As soon as they get money, they spend it.

They rush to a store or make an online order.

How they get their money does not matter. They spend it all.

  • Paycheck
  • Allowance
  • Gift
  • Prize

The amount of money does not matter. They spend it all.

Whether they have one dollar or a million dollars, they spend it. Then, when they need money, they have nothing. They stay poor as a church mouse. Therefore, they have no way to help themselves or other people.

They have fun for a short time. But the fun does not last.

Life can be hard. They need to be ready when those hard times come.

A few people may have someone who gives them all they want or need. Most people have to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps .

Therefore, they need to make a money plan.

Your income disappears, as though you were putting it into pockets filled with holes! (Haggai 1:6 TLB).

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