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A Dime a Dozen

A Dime a Dozen

A Dime a DozenWhen we want to describe something common or easy to find, a dime a dozen says it well.

A dime a dozen often implies a lack of worth.

A dime won’t buy much. Occasionally we buy cheap toys we know will break easily. Yet we think, If they break, we can just throw them away.

How often do we treat people as worthless?

  • How do we view those with little money?
  • When someone makes a mistake, do we help them or give up on them?
  • How do we act around those different from us?
  • Do we look down on those who fail to meet our standards?
  • How many have we labeled hopeless and undeserving of our time and effort?

Sadly, many people accept this judgment.

After years of mistreatment, they give up. They stop seeking a better life. They believe they deserve the way we treat them.

How dare we do that to another human being!

A broken toy can be thrown away. A broken person needs our love and concern.

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves” (Philippians 2:3 NIV).

Do you have a favorite expression or one you want explained? If so, please comment.

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