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Tag: commitment

Move Heaven and Earth

Move Heaven and Earth

Move Heaven and Earth--tree in front of lakeHave you had people move heaven and earth to help you? They do everything in their power to provide what you need. I have, and I am eternally grateful for their assistance.

In a crisis, I called a friend. She stopped what she was doing and cancelled her plans to come to my aid. Her friendship is the real McCoy.

To move heaven and earth means to do everything possible to make something happen.

We resolve to do all we can to:

  • Help someone else.
  • Achieve what we desire.
  • Accomplish a goal.

In spite of challenges, we reach for the sky. We try to make the impossible possible.

Move heaven and earth implies commitment.


  • Dedicate ourselves to a purpose.
  • Give our best effort.
  • Have no plan to quit.

Such commitment requires hard work.

Ordinary efforts are not enough. We strive for the extraordinary.

The Creator of heaven and earth set the example for us.

God loves us and offers life in heaven when we leave this earth. May we do all in our power to tell others of Jesus’ sacrificial gift to make that possible.

“May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 115:15 NIV).

Thanks to Scott Tice for the suggestion.

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Head over Heels

Head over Heels


Head over Heels morgue file8161310074013Have you ever been head over heels in love?

  • You were so in love you did not know up from down.
  • You acted silly but didn’t care.
  • You wanted to spend every single minute with your loved one.

Have you later realized that was not true love?

So often we get the meaning of true love all wrong. We focus on the temporary:

  • Physical attraction
  • Common interests
  • Popularity
  • Desire to love or be close to someone

None of those are necessarily bad. However, true love means so much more. Love that lasts means moving beyond puppy love to:

  • Commitment to the loved one, regardless of circumstances
  • Willingness to give 100 percent, not 50-50
  • Being there for one another when life gets hard

At the same time, we want to keep true love lovely by:

  • Talking and laughing with one another
  • Sharing fun times
  • Hugging and saying “I love you” often

That helps keep us head over heels in love with our loved one for life.

Above all, we want to follow the ultimate example of love – Jesus’ unconditional, sacrificial love.

“You have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes” (Song of Solomon 4:9 NIV).

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Photo courtesy of morgueFile.

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

Puppy Love 1Puppies are cute, sweet, and make us smile. The same is true for puppy love — children or young people falling in love. We smile at puppy love, but we know it seldom lasts.

The problem: Puppy love depends on emotions alone — how do I feel?

  • If you make me feel good, I love you.
  • If you make me feel bad, I don’t love you.
  • If we have fun, I love you.
  • If we don’t have fun, I don’t love you.

As a result, young people may fall in and out of love several times.

Sadly many adults define love the same way.

The trouble with that thinking:

  • Good feelings come and go.
  • Life is not always fun.

True love – lasting love – means much more.

  •  I choose to love you.
  • I commit my life to you.
  • I will do what is best for you.

That does not mean love is blind. It does mean:

  • I accept that no one is perfect.
  • I will work with you on our disagreements.
  • I love you, even when I don’t like you or your actions.

In any relationship we sometimes feel on top of the world. Other times we feel like we are in a valley. True love says, “I will walk with you wherever the journey takes us.”

Love is a choice. Love is a verb.

Note:  If abuse occurs in a relationship, seek help and protection immediately.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs” (1 Corinthians 13:4-5).

What do you think true love means? Please comment.

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