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Put to Bed

Put to Bed

Put to Bed--sleeping puppy on a hand-made cherry bedFollowing baths, brushed teeth, prayers, and other routines, children are put to bed every night.

Some of us also put our pets to bed. This puppy receives lots of love and care from its owner. A hand-made cherry bed waits anytime puppy needs a nap. Not a typical dog’s life.

We understand the literal meaning of put to bed.

People and animals need sleep. Going to bed may be voluntary or it may be required. Sometimes it serves as punishment for bad behavior.

It also means to stop discussing or arguing about an issue.

Whether we agree or disagree, we drop the subject. We let sleeping dogs lie.

It often means to complete all or part of an activity.

Final preparation begins or is already finished.

It’s a common saying for newspapers and other printing and means no more edits. Papers or books are ready to print.

The most important decision to put to bed is our eternal destination.

 We don’t want to leave our relationship with Jesus up in the air. At the end of the day, nothing matters more.

“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:4 NIV).

Thanks to J.D. Wininger for the suggestion and to Ina Ree Pickett for the photo.

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Clean as a Whistle

Clean as a Whistle

Clean as a Whistle-a referee's whistleMost of us like our houses clean as a whistle. Cleaning takes a lot of elbow grease, but everything looks good when we finish.

Clean as a whistle has more than one meaning.

It refers to things, like houses or offices.

We try to keep them:

  • Neat
  • Dirt-free
  • Organized
  • Spotless

If we let things slide too long without cleaning, they require much more work.

In addition, it means all of anything or entirely.

We might:

  • Eat a cake – the whole thing
  • Complete a race – all of it
  • Finish the yard work – with nothing left to do

Clean as a whistle also refers to people.

If we are clean as a whistle, we:

We live as we should.

Clean as a whistle’s origin remains uncertain.

It many have come from an earlier simile, clear as a whistle. A whistle’s sound is fairly clear. Whatever the origin, clean as a whistle challenges us to live pure lives.

“All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure” (1John 3:3 NIV).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion. Image by elbgau from Pixabay.

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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In the Books

In the Books

In the Books--children's libraryWhen we want to check if something happened, we look in the books.

Anything in the books is a matter of record.

It is:

  • Completed
  • Finished
  • History

For example:

  • A new year begins. The old year is in the books.
  • Lawmakers pass a law. The law goes in the books.
  • A person retires. Her job is in the books.
  • Someone dies. His life goes in the books.
  • People turn over a new leaf. They put their old habits in the books.

Not everything in the books is correct.

Mistakes happen. Just because we see something in writing does not make it right. Therefore, we want to check for truth.

However, we can always trust one book.

The Bible shares God’s truth with the world. We want to go by the book with that book. Therefore,

  • Open it.
  • Read it.
  • Live it.

God remains ready to give us a fresh start anytime, anywhere. If we accept Jesus as Savior and Lord, our future is secure. Our salvation is complete or in the books.

“I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books” (Revelation 20:12 NIV).

Thanks to Sue Davis Potts for the suggestion.

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Teetotal--full moonTeetotal means total or complete.

It refers most often to a person who never drinks alcohol. We call that person a teetotaler. Our family chose a teetotal life. Too many people we love have been ruined by alcohol.  We decided better safe than sorry.

We occasionally see teetotal written T Total. Either way we spell it, we stress total.

  • No question about it
  • No doubt at all
  • Absolutely

Teetotal also means certainty.

Someone may ask, “Are you sure?” or “Is that your final answer?” To stress our certainty, we answer, “Teetotally.” We are completely certain. We definitely gave our final answer.

Teetotal also means completely full.

  • A full moon lights up the night sky.
  • Our hearts fill with sorrow.
  • We eat all we can.
  • Joy makes our cup run over.

For the teetotally best life, we ask God to fill us with His love and power.

“You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence” (Acts 2:28 NIV).

Thanks to Betty Johnson for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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Easter Reflections play script, flower, and cross in backgroundCongratulations to Harriet Michael, whose name was randomly drawn from my blog subscribers for a free copy of “Easter Reflections.”  You can read a script preview or order the play from Christian Publishers.