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Tag: courageous



Wishy-washy--A thick pot of soupOn cold winter days, our family loves thick soups and chilis. They fill and warm our bodies and delight our taste buds. No wishy-washy soups for us.

Wishy-washy means lacking strength, flavor, or other positive qualities.

It applies to both food and people.

Wishy-washy food is thin, watery, and flavorless.

Such dishes are:

They need seasonings, meat, vegetables, or pasta to add flavor and nutrition.

Wishy-washy people are also weak.

They show little strength of character. Instead, they act:

  • Indecisive
  • Incompetent
  • Lacking in character
  • In need of courage
  • Unstable

Because of those weaknesses, they inspire little confidence and make poor leaders.

Overcome weakness with boldness.

  • Stand firm and strong.
  • Show strength of character
  • Make informed and effective decisions
  • Live with honor and integrity
  • Act with courage

“Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you” (1 Chronicles 28:20 NIV).

Thanks to Debbie Tapscott for the suggestion. Image by wildhearts from Pixabay.

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Afraid of His Own Shadow

Afraid of His Own Shadow

Afraid of His Own ShadowDo you know anyone afraid of his own shadow?  He:

  • Frightens easily
  • Is afraid of almost everything
  • Has a hard time trusting anyone and anything
  • Is usually shy
  • Avoids other people, especially crowds.

No one wants to be afraid of his own shadow.

Some people make fun of a person with fears. They may bully him, which makes his fears worse. Other people feel sorry for him.

A person afraid of his own shadow needs courage.

Like the cowardly lion in The Wizard of Oz, he wants to be strong. He may try to hide his fear by acting brave.

Children often fear their shadow when they see it the first time. Yet, there is no real reason to fear. They simply need someone to help them understand their shadow and be brave.

There is no real reason for many fears.

Like children, an adult afraid of his own shadow needs help understanding the shadows that scare him. Some problems are real. Some are not.

When a person trusts God, God promises to be with him through both good and bad (scary) times. He can stand tall, unafraid, trusting God’s love and care.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV).

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