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Water Down

Water Down

Water Down--waterfallWhatever lies below a waterfall gets watered down quickly. The water:

  • Covers it
  • Weakens it
  • Overwhelms it

If we hike to the bottom of the waterfall, its power grabs our attention. We rarely notice other sights and sounds.

To water down means to cover or weaken something.

Surfaces we may cover with water include:

  • Yards with new grass seed
  • Clothes ready to wash
  • Houses and buildings in danger from nearby fires

We add water to weaken or dilute:

  • Soups
  • Juices or other drinks
  • Sauces

We also water down or weaken:

  • Stock values
  • Agreements
  • Laws
  • Truth

All lose worth and become less effective when we omit important information.

If we water down the truth, everyone loses.

We may not want to share hard truth. However, we need to know reality, even if we don’t like it or it hurts. Plus, people no longer trust us if we tell less than the truth. Better to stay on the up and up.

If we have not told the truth, remember confession is good for the soul. It’s never too late to turn over a new leaf.

“An honest witness does not deceive, but a false witness pours out lies” Proverbs 14:5 NIV).

Thanks to Phyllis Patton for the suggestion.

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You Can’t Judge a Book by Its Cover

You Can’t Judge a Book by Its Cover

You Can't Judge a Book by Its CoverHave you ever wanted to throw a book in disgust? The title promised the help you needed. The cover picture looked perfect. Reviewers praised it. However, it was worthless to you. The difference in appearance and content prove you can’t judge a book by its cover.

Looking good does not equal goodness.

That’s true for books and true for life.

Businesses use misleading ads. Politicians make campaign promises they fail to keep. Much around us sounds or looks good … until we try them.

Good looking people who dress well get more job interviews. They also get more dates. They don’t always make the best employees or spouses.

Smooth, shiny hybrid apples look perfect. They don’t taste nearly as good as ugly, knotty vintage apples. The hybrid pleases the eye. The vintage gains our loyalty.

Like vintage apples, what looks bad on the outside may hide a treasure inside.

We find pearls in oysters. We find gold and silver in rocks. Don’t overlook possible treasures based simply on outward appearances.

Let’s look beyond the surface to find what matters most in life.

“People look on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7 NET).

Note: I found all the books in this photo true to their cover.

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