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At the Drop of a Hat

At the Drop of a Hat

At the Drop of a Hat--Sun hat hangs from shelf with garden trowel and gloves above itMy grandmother worked in her flowers at the drop of a hat. I wish I had inherited her green thumb.

My talent? I cry at the drop of a hat.

  • Happy times? I cry.
  • Sad times? I cry.
  • Babies and puppies? I cry.
  • Sad books or movies. I cry.

Tears come quickly, and almost anything causes them.

At the drop of a hat means suddenly and with little warning.

Many of us laugh at the drop of a hat. We find humor everywhere. People around us laugh at our laughter. What a hoot!

At the drop of the hat also means without delay.

Mention travel, and we pack our bags to hit the trail. We want to leave immediately, if not sooner.

This expression probably originated with dropping a hat as a signal.

According to The Free Dictionary, a dropped hat signaled “the start of a race or other contest” in the late 1800s.

A few people help others at the drop of a hat.

If they have it, they share it.

  • Time
  • Abilities
  • Money
  • Possessions

Without hesitation, they practice “What’s mine is yours.”

We read such a story in the Bible (Luke 10:25-37). Often called the parable of the good Samaritan, one man helped another who had been robbed and beaten. The Samaritan ignored differences in background and culture. He simply saw a need and met it.

Referring to the good Samaritan, Jesus said, “Go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37 NIV).

Thanks to Ginny Merritt for the suggestion.

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There Now

There Now

There Now--little girl kissing the head of a little boy in a rockerWhen I needed comfort as a child, I could go to several relatives. They often responded with, “There now. Don’t cry. Everything will be okay.” I felt better immediately. Everything usually was okay.

My troubles included such tragedies as:

  • Bee stings
  • Poison ivy
  • Falls
  • Childhood quarrels

For bigger problems, they doubled their comfort. “There, there now” gave an extra word for extra cheer.

A few problems lasted longer than usual. For those, they reminded me everything would come out in the wash.

I learned from their comfort how to comfort others.

There now soothes or reassures someone having a tough time.

It helps a hurting person:

The need for comfort does not stop as an adult.

Troubles may differ, but they remain as real.

  • Health crises
  • Relationship woes
  • Financial stresses
  • Work demands

Ways to cheer one another include:

  • Prayers
  • Notes
  • Calls
  • Visits
  • Texts
  • Hugs, if appropriate

Listening is more important than talking. Availability is more important than activity.

Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones (Isaiah 49:13 NIV).

Thanks to Rita Smalley for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Crocodile Tears

Crocodile Tears

Crocodile Tears--crocodile in a swampWe don’t want anyone to cry crocodile tears for us. Neither do we want to cry crocodile tears for anyone else.

Crocodile tears mean false tears.

We act sad about something, but we really don’t care.

Years ago people thought crocodiles cried either:

  • To trap their victims
  • Or as they ate their victims

However, any tears crocodiles shed are not tears of sorrow. You can read more about that here.

Examples of crocodile tears include:

  • Saying we are sorry someone lost a job we plan to take
  • Crying at the funeral of someone we never liked
  • Acting sad we hurt someone we meant to hurt

Rather than crocodile tears, may we honestly care for one another.

  • Love like Jesus loves.
  • Live like Jesus lives.
  • Give like Jesus gives.
  • Forgive like Jesus forgives.

May we be as good as our word (and our tears).

When others are happy, be happy with them. If they are sad, share their sorrow (Romans 12:15 TLB).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Cry Over Spilled Milk

Cry Over Spilled Milk

Cry Over Spilled Milk--a glass of spilled milk“Dry your tears. There is no need to cry over spilled milk.”

As a child, I often heard those words. Sometimes I had spilled milk. Usually I was unhappy about something I could not change.

We cry over spilled milk when upset about what we cannot control. Often what upset us occurred in the past.

We cannot undo the past.

We cannot unspill milk. Neither can we undo anything that has already happened. The past is water under the bridge.

We can do something about the present and future.

  • If something bad happened in the past, we can learn from the experience.
  • If something good happened, we can remember and smile.
  • If we hurt someone, we can ask forgiveness.
  • If someone hurt us, we can forgive.

Instead of crying over spilled milk, we can let bygones be bygones. We can choose to grow from all that happens, good or bad.

“One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead” (Philippians 3:13 NIV).

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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