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Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Birds of a Feather Flock Together--geese flying in V formationBirds of a feather flock together is true for people as well as birds. A flock (noun) is a group of birds, animals, or people. When birds, animals, or people flock (verb) together, they get together. They form a group.

Birds often flock with other birds like them.

They also fly together, as we see with these geese. Flocks provide safety and support.

Birds of a feather flock together means people stay with people like them.

Groups may form based on:

  • Interests
  • Beliefs
  • Looks
  • Goals
  • Backgrounds

People also form groups for safety and support.

Birds of a feather flock together can be a warning.

Adults warn children or youth about certain groups. Young people may see no harm. However, adults fear:

  • The groups’ effect on their children
  • Their children’s reputation when with those groups

People can learn from birds of a different feather.

To figure out one another, people must spend time together. Friendships with people of another background offer wonderful rewards. These include new:

  • Knowledge
  • Food
  • Music
  • Language
  • Activities

Sharing another person’s culture offers richness to any life.

Spend time with birds of a feather. Also reach out to birds in other flocks from here to Timbuktu. God created a wide, wonderful world. Enjoy all its variety.

“The wings of the ostrich flap joyfully, though they cannot compare with the wings and feathers of the stork” (Job 39:13 NIV).

Thanks to Kay Emerick for the suggestion and Jeri Stone for the photo.

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Itchy Feet

Itchy Feet

Itchy feet--standing on a beach, looking into the distanceDo you ever get itchy feet? I do. I want to

  • Go somewhere
  • See new sights
  • Travel the world

Itchy feet need to travel.

Ready to hit the trail, my feet want to go to:

  • A favorite place
  • Off the beaten path to explore the unknown
  • A well-known tourist attraction
  • The beach
  • A friend or relative’s home
  • The mountains
  • A peaceful place with few people
  • A special event with crowds of people
  • The desert
  • A country road in the middle of nowhere

I love to visit new states. I enjoy the culture of new countries. Occasionally I don’t care where I go. I just want to go.

What causes itchy feet?

Itchy feet have no one cause. Reasons may include:

  • Hearing about another person’s travel
  • Remembering a favorite place
  • Pictures of places never seen
  • Certain times of year

Yet, wherever I travel, I always want to return home.

A few days or weeks, and I get homesick. I miss my garden spot of the world with:

  • Family
  • Neighbors and friends
  • House
  • Church
  • Routine

Perhaps travel’s greatest benefit is learning how much I love home.

Whether home or away, I find life’s greatest joy by following God’s path.

“For the paths of the Lord are true and right.” (Hosea 14:9 TLB).

Where do your itchy feet want to go? Please comment. I may need to add your favorite spot to my bucket list.

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