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Cute as a Button

Cute as a Button

Cute as a Button--bowl of buttons“Isn’t she the cutest thing? Why, she’s as cute as a button.”

I have heard that expression since I was knee high to a grasshopper. People said it to describe:

  • Babies
  • Children and youth of all ages
  • Puppies, kittens, or other animals

Cute as a button usually refers to a small person, animal, or object.

Of course, not all buttons are cute. Neither are all buttons small. However, most are both.

Cute as a Button 2--Granny with dogAs a child, I spent hours playing with my Granny Childress’s buttons. Since she sewed for others, she always had boxes of buttons.

  • Cute buttons
  • Shiny buttons
  • Tiny buttons
  • Huge buttons
  • Buttons of every size and shape

Cute as a button refers either to how we act or how we look.

Granny enjoyed my playing with her buttons. They kept me still and quiet while she sewed. For Granny, still and quiet made me cute as a button. When I wore one of her dresses, she said I looked cute as a button.

Actions and appearance don’t always match.

I did not always act cute when I wore one of those cute dresses. When that happened, Granny told me, “Pretty is as pretty does.” She reminded me that how I act is much more important than how I look.

“Even small children are known by their actions” (Proverbs 20:11 NIV).

Thanks to Janna Babak for the suggestion.

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Knee High to a Grasshopper

Knee High to a Grasshopper

Knee High to a GrasshopperMany of us love spending time with children who are knee high to a grasshopper. They are:

  • Small
  • Short
  • Still growing
  • So cute

We enjoy children’s smallness. Yet, we don’t like to feel small.

Most of us have moments we feel knee high to a grasshopper.

Because grasshoppers are so small, they appear unimportant. People pay little attention to them. Sometimes we feel unimportant. We think no one pays attention to us either. Other people appear:

  • Smarter
  • Better looking
  • More talented

We feel like low man on the totem pole.

We also feel small compared to the size of our world. How tiny we look compared to:

  • Mountains
  • Oceans
  • The sky

In addition, we feel small when we have done something wrong. We think we are:

  • Guilty
  • Worthless
  • Hopeless

Although small, both children and grasshoppers make a big difference.

 Children teach us to:

  • Have fun
  • Love
  • Trust
  • Learn

Grasshoppers destroy much we need or enjoy:

  • Gardens
  • Fields
  • Flowers

Regardless of our size, we all make a difference.

Therefore, what kind of difference will we make? Will we spread joy like children? Or will we destroy what we touch like grasshoppers?

God created our world and everything in it. Compared to God’s greatness, we all appear knee high to a grasshopper. Yet, God desires a personal relationship with each of us. How great is that?

“When I look up at the heavens, which your fingers made, and see the moon and the stars, which you set in place, Of what importance is the human race, that you should notice them? Of what importance is mankind, that you should pay attention to them?” (Psalm 8:3-4 NET)

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Photo courtesy of Pixabay.