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Have Your Cake and Eat It

Have Your Cake and Eat It

Have your cake and eat it--young woman holding the top layer of a wedding cake.

To have your cake and eat it refers to two things you can’t have or do at the same time.

 A less puzzling earlier version of the expression is to “eat your cake and have it.” You can have cake and then eat it. However, if you eat the cake, you no longer have it.

When my husband and I married, we froze the top layer of our wedding cake until our first anniversary. The first year, we had our cake. At the beginning of the second year, we ate it. We could not enjoy the benefit of keeping and eating our cake at the same time. Each year, we made a choice.

You may want to enjoy both, but you can’t.

For example, you can’t have:

  • Government benefits without tax payments
  • Good grades without study time
  • A new house without a financial investment

You must choose between your desires.

Do you keep your cake, or do you eat it?

All of life requires choices. Seek God’s guidance and choose wisely, since you reap what you sow.

“Who, then, are those who fear the Lord? He will instruct them in the ways they should choose” (Psalm 25:12 NIV).

Thanks to Lam DeBrot for the suggestion.

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Burn the Midnight Oil

Burn the Midnight Oil

Burn the Midnight Oil--chest with burning oil lamp, "Be Still" plaque, trinkets, and BibleThe night before final exams, students often burn the midnight oil. They study late hoping to make good grades.

To burn the midnight oil means to stay up late studying or working.

Before electricity, people used oil lamps or candles for light after dark. If they stayed up until midnight or after, they used extra oil.

This expression appeared in a 1635 poem, “Emblems,” by Francis Quarles.

People often burn the midnight oil because they fail to study or work during regular hours.

If they work harder earlier, they enjoy a job well done plus a good night’s sleep.

Work or study occasionally requires extra effort.

In those cases, late work must be done to complete the task.

Whether we burn the midnight oil or complete our work early, we need occasional breaks.

Instead of burning the candle at both ends, we need time to:

  • Be still in God’s presence.
  • Let God’s peace fill us.

“At midnight I rise to give you thanks for your righteous laws” (Psalm 119:62 NIV).

Thanks to Becky Nash Rowe for the suggestion and to Jeri Stone for the photo.

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Out of Sorts

Out of Sorts

Out of Sorts--a pile of puzzle pieces


Out of Sorts-Kristy HorinePlease welcome my friend Kristy Robinson Horine as today’s guest writer. Kristy and I met at Kentucky Christian Writers Conference, where she serves on staff. Kristy makes her life in Paris, Kentucky with her husband, Eric, and is mother to four children – Hanson, Anna, Emily, and Sadie. Her professional and creative work has been published in newspapers, magazines and anthologies in Kentucky and beyond. She offers encouragement for each day through her book, In a Season of Mondays: A 30-Day Devotional Journal.

I knew before I came into the kitchen, I was in trouble. My daily responsibilities took longer than anticipated. I still had to put away groceries and unload the dishwasher before I could start supper. My day had not gone as planned, and I was out of sorts.

To be out of sorts means to be jumbled together or mixed up.

Sometimes, being out of sorts happens the moment our feet hit the floor in the mornings. There is no rhyme or reason for the feeling. It just happens.

Sometimes, being out of sorts happens because of other people’s decisions:

  • A child volunteers to bring cookies to an event but doesn’t tell us until the night before.
  • A co-worker drops the ball, and we are left to pick up the pieces.
  • Another driver gets distracted and crashes into our car.

Other times, being out of sorts happens because of the decisions we make:

  • We forget to unload the dishwasher at the right time.
  • We say yes to too many things.
  • We don’t communicate well, causing chaos and conflict.

Whether being out of sorts comes from within us or from others, we can still choose to act in a way that pleases God.

We find clues in one of my favorite passages in the Bible.

“Since many have undertaken to set in order a narrative concerning those matters which have been fulfilled among us, even as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word delivered them to us, it seemed good to me also, having traced the course of all things accurately from the first, to write to you in order, most excellent Theophilus, that you might know the certainty concerning the things in which you were instructed” (Luke 1:1-4 World English Bible).

Learning from this passage, we can easily get back on track, even though we find ourselves out of sorts. We can:

  • Listen to those who have been there.
  • Look at our situation with accuracy.
  • Lead others to know the truth.

What are ways you find yourself out of sorts? Can you listen, look, and lead to put things right?

Kristy Horine book--In a Season of MondaysSubscribe to receive Diana’s weekly posts by email and receive a free copy of “Words of Hope for Days that Hurt.” On September 9, 2023, one name will be randomly selected from Diana’s mailing list to also receive a free copy of Kristy’s In a Season of Mondays. If your name is already on the mailing list, you are automatically entered. Please encourage your friends to subscribe.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment.

Hand Over Fist

Hand Over Fist

Hand Over Fist-two puppies pulling a ropeWhen puppies have a tug of war, they use their mouths. However, people pull with their hands. Each team wants to pull the other over a line between them. Team members pull by alternating hand over fist.

Today, hand over fist usually means a quick and continuous action.

Hand Over Fist--Boys in tug-of-warThis applies whether:

  • Playing tug of war
  • Climbing a rope
  • Pulling something or someone with a rope

According to The Phrase Finder, an earlier version was hand over hand and meant “making steady progress.” Steady progress may be slower. However, it often results in more secure and lasting results.

This expression frequently refers to people who make money hand over fist.

Shrewd financial decisions increase their wealth. They may not grab money with their hands, but they do profit from business deals. Many times, their gain means someone else’s loss. They fight with no holds barred.

 No decision or action should deliberately harm others.

The bottom line: If anyone suffers unnecessarily, the price is too high. Neither financial profit nor social gain are worth it. In a personal tug of war, let love for God and love for others pull every choice to the right side.

“The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (1 Timothy 6:10 NIV).

Thanks to Cindy Shoemaker for the suggestion. Images by Darby Browning and Stéphane CHADOURNE from Pixabay

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Carbon Copy

Carbon Copy

Carbon copy--bridge reflected in water behind broken, twisted treesYoung people probably have no experience making a carbon copy. During typewriter days, we placed carbon paper between two blank sheets of paper. We then rolled all three into the typewriter. What we typed on the top sheet copied to the bottom.

Carbon paper made great copies. However, it could also make great messes. If we were not careful, we would:

  • Get ink on us and anything else it touched
  • Smear our copies, which made them hard to read

A carbon copy is an exact duplicate.

Its details are precise. It:

  • Looks the same
  • Matches perfectly
  • Reflects every feature

Like the bridge behind the tangled trees above, it is a spitting image. It remains faithful to the original in every way. If we see the copy, we understand the original.

We decide what we reflect.

Who or what influences us? Who or what do we influence? As with most of life, we choose. We then face the music – we live with the consequences of our choices.

We don’t always reflect perfectly.

Carbon paper smears. Water moves. When that happens, reflections wave. Images change.

Life gets messy. Like tangled trees, things get in our way. Yet, we keep trying. We keep working to reflect the best. In so doing, we improve.

“We can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18 TLB).

Thanks to Laurel Blevins and Karen Hart for the suggestion.

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Set Your Face Like Flint

Set Your Face Like Flint

Set Your Face Like Flint--water lapping against rocksDo you occasionally face tasks that seem impossible? Yet, you refuse to quit? Instead, you set your face like flint and finish the job before you?

Flint is a hard, dark rock.

It was often used in earlier times to make tools and start fires. Flint also makes strong stone walls.

To set your face like flint means to be determined.

When you face difficulties, you refuse to give up. Instead, you:

  • Focus on the task before you.
  • Dedicate yourself to its completion.

The prophet Isaiah described the Messiah, Jesus, as having “set my face like flint.”

Isaiah tells of Jesus’ determination to complete the role of a suffering servant. Jesus sacrificed His life on a cross to make eternal life possible for all who accept His gift.

You can follow Jesus’ example.

Life gets hard. Many tasks are tough. However, with God’s help, you can endure. You can keep on keeping on. You can also make a positive difference in an often negative world.

“Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame” (Isaiah 50:7 NIV).

Thanks to Linda Russell for the suggestion. Image by Wesley Rocha from Pixabay

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On the Right Track

On the Right Track

On the Right Track--Cog going up Pike's PeakWhen we ride a train, we want to get on the right track. We never get where we want to go if we go the wrong direction.

If I visit other countries with friends, we always stay close together when entering or exiting trains. We don’t want to arrive at the wrong destination alone.

On the right track means we will probably succeed.

This applies to travel. It also applies to life, when we head the right direction.

On the right track relates to both our thoughts and actions.

What we think usually guides our behavior. In order to find and follow the right direction, we want to choose the right:

  • Friends
  • Mentors
  • Teachers

We also want to research and think for ourselves. Any of us can be wrong at times, like a dog that barks up the wrong tree. Therefore, let’s obtain all the information we can rather than simply follow the crowd.

May we always make wise choices.

That way, we have no regrets when we reach the end of the road.

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand” (Psalm 16:11 NIV).

Thanks to Ann Maniscalco for the suggestion.

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On the Ball

On the Ball

On the Ball-girl softball player at batWhen I played softball, both my coach and my husband reminded me to keep my eye on the ball. Whether batting or playing third base, I needed to focus on the ball.

As my husband said, “You can’t hit it if you don’t see it.” He also reminded me, “You can’t throw it if you don’t catch it.”

On the ball means to stay alert.

It applies to all of life.

If I remain on the ball, I:

  • Pay attention
  • Learn all I can
  • Do what needs to be done

On the ball also means skillful.

I was never the best player. I tried hard and did my best. However, other players were more skillful. They knew how to get the ball rolling in a game.


  • Understood the game better
  • Moved faster
  • Had more success

Many times, when they swung for the fences, they hit a home run.

Nevertheless, I

  • Had a great time
  • Met new friends
  • Made many memories

God gives new opportunities to stay on the ball every day. Like everyone, I choose whether to accept them.

“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” (Ephesians 6:18 NIV).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion and to Richard Robards for the photo.

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Horse Sense

Horse Sense

Horse Sense-horse walking beside a fence with a red barn in the backgroundWe can be sharp as a tack but not have a bit of horse sense. Education does not give us horse sense. Neither does talent. Instead, it is what we do with the knowledge, education and talent we possess.

Horse sense is common sense.

It does not require:

  • An impressive resume
  • A sophisticated lifestyle

We use wisdom in what we say and do. Sometimes that wisdom outwits the more intelligent and better educated.

With horse sense, we make practical decisions that work well.

Those decisions apply to:

  • Relationships
  • Jobs
  • Free time

We learn when to act and when to hold our horses.

Good decisions lead to a good life. Therefore, we want to stay wise as an owl, always ready to do what is right.

“‘Learn to be wise,’ he said, ‘and develop good judgment and common sense! I cannot overemphasize this point’” (Proverbs 4:5 TLB).

Thanks to Beckham Wilson for the suggestion and to Jeri Gumm Stone for the photo.

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Fish or Cut Bait

Fish or Cut Bait

Fish or Cut Bait--farm pond with barns and trees in the backgroundI rarely fish. When I do, people with me probably wish I had stayed home.

They never say to fish or cut bait. I’m sure they think I should.

I hate to touch worms or fish. Therefore, someone else has to put on my worms and take off my fish.

However, I do have one tall tale about catching a huge catfish in my family’s pond.

Of course, I caught that whopper by accident.

Fish or cut bait means to get to work or get out of the way.

Do I plan to fish? If not, I need to move, so others can. If I choose not to fish, I can cut up their bait. Ick! I don’t want to do that either. I rather take pictures or go home.

Fish or cut bait applies to any type of work or activity.

 When I fail to do my job, I waste my time and the time of others. Therefore, I need to:

  • Decide if I plan to work or watch
  • Proceed with my job or leave it
  • Use or stop wasting resources

Jesus calls believers to fish for people.

Fishing for people is not only a job for preachers and teachers. It is a call for all Jesus’ followers. No ifs, ands, or buts. Jesus calls us to fish. If we love God and love others, we will share that love.

 “‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people’” Matthew 4:19 NIV).

Thanks to Emily Akin for the suggestion and to Robbie Childress for the photo.

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