In One Ear and Out the Other
Many people wonder if anyone hears what they say. Their words seem to go in one ear and out the other.
- Children ignore or forget what parents say.
- Students fail to remember or do what teachers say.
- Husbands or wives declare they did not hear their spouse’s words.
- Pets pay no attention.
Those to whom they speak:
- Hear noise
- May hear words
- Fail to hear the message
In one ear and out the other means people do not hear or quickly forget what another person says.
It often implies they do not listen or pay attention.
Occasionally it refers to selective hearing — hearing what they want to hear and ignoring the rest. Other times, people pay no attention to anyone whose beliefs differ from theirs.
Too many distractions cause many messages to go in one ear and out the other.
Distractions result from:
- Multi-tasking — trying to do too much at the same time
- Focusing on phones, television, books, or other interests rather than the person talking
People usually hear and remember if they stay all ears.
They focus totally on the person talking. They listen with their eyes as well as their ears. That kind of attention shows respect for the speaker and the speaker’s message — a good plan for anyone.
“Ears that hear and eyes that see—the Lord has made them both” (Proverbs 20:12 NIV).
Thanks to Emily Akin for the suggestion and Mary Lou Rafferty for the photo.
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