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Little Pitchers Have Big Ears

Little Pitchers Have Big Ears

Little Pitchers Have Big Ears--a small pitcherThe curved handle on some pitchers looks like a person’s ear. When we say little pitchers have big ears, we warn adults to be careful what they say. Children don’t need to hear it.

We may also protect children by:

  • Spelling words we don’t want them to hear (This works until they can spell.)
  • Moving where they cannot hear us

Children like to listen to adults.

When adults speak, children often become all ears. Yet, they should not hear:

  • Information they are too young to understand
  • Talk that might upset or confuse them
  • Words no one should ever say
  • Gossip

Many times children repeat what they hear.

  • We always want to protect children.
  • We don’t always want them repeating what we say.

If we choose our words wisely, we don’t have to worry who hears them.

Helpful guidelines include:

  • Think before we speak.
  • Say nothing unkind or untrue.
  • Don’t say it if we don’t want it repeated.

As adults, we need to remember little pitchers have big ears. Like children, we also need to mind our Ps and Qs.

“Jesus called the crowd to him and said, ‘Listen and understand. What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them’” (Matthew 15:10-11 NIV).

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I’m All Ears

I’m All Ears

I'm All EarsThis little rabbit nibbled grass near our back door. He lifted those ears as soon as he heard us behind him. His body went down, but his ears went up! “I’m all ears” he seemed to say. “I hear your every move and sound.”

He stopped:

  • Eating
  • Twitching his nose
  • Hopping
  • Looking around.

We had his full attention.

We can learn a lot from that kind of focus. Don’t you wish people would listen to one another so well? How often do we try to talk to someone, but we don’t give or receive full attention? While one person talks, the other person’s attention strays to:

  • The television
  • A cell phone
  • A computer screen
  • Another person
  • A book
  • Work
  • Anywhere but on the person talking

What does that say to the person trying to be heard?

  • I’m too busy.
  • You’re not important.
  • Leave me alone.
  • Someone or something else matters more than you.
  • I don’t care what you have to say.

Let’s listen to one another—really listen, with our ears, with our eyes, and with our body language. Like our rabbit friend, let’s send the message, “I’m all ears. I want to hear what you have to say.”

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19 NIV).

Do you have a favorite expression or one you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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