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Nest Egg

Nest Egg

Nest Egg--robin's nest in a hole in a tree trunkDo you have a nest egg? Perhaps you hide it in a special place at your home. Maybe in a sock or a cookie jar? Or you might keep it in a bank or other financial institution.

Family members might be aware of your nest egg. Or maybe only you know about it.

A nest egg is money saved for a later time.

Planned uses include:

  • Buying a house
  • Retirement
  • Emergencies
  • Travel
  • A rainy day

Nest eggs may be large or small.

Small ones help with:

  • Christmas or birthday gifts
  • Toys
  • Clothes or shoes
  • A fancy meal

This expression comes from leaving an egg in a chicken’s nest.

A nest egg can be real or fake. Its purpose is to encourage the chicken to lay more eggs.

Most people think of nest eggs for personal use. However, the idea can be expanded to the needs of others. Since you can’t take it with you, what fun to save in order to give it away.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV).

(I know the above picture is a robin’s egg rather than a chicken’s. Yet isn’t it lovely?)

Thanks to Regina Graham for the suggestion. Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay.

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You Can’t Unscramble Eggs

You Can’t Unscramble Eggs


You Can't Unscramble Eggs--Sue Davis PottsPlease welcome my friend Sue Davis Potts as today’s guest writer. Sue and I met at Kentucky Christian Writers Conference. She has been writing as long as she can remember. In addition to her two books, Sue writes for several magazines and anthologies.  Check out her website and blog, Potts Pages, for more details.

Sometimes we wish we could undo what we have done. However, not everything can be undone. Scrambled eggs are one of those things. No matter how much we want to, we can’t unscramble eggs.

You Can't Unscramble EggsSome things can’t be undone.

  • Broken egg shells can’t be put back together.
  • Mixed egg yolk and white can’t be unmixed.
  • Cooked eggs can’t be uncooked.

In cooking, scramble means mixed together. It also means to hurry. It doesn’t take long to scramble eggs that can’t be unscrambled.

When we hurry, sometimes we do things that can’t be undone.

  • Say angry words
  • Hurt feelings
  • Break trust

Our words can hurt people’s feelings. They may forgive us. Yet, they may feel sad or bad about themselves when they remember our words.

If we always hurry, we may not have time to keep our promises. This will make it hard for others to trust us.

God doesn’t want our lives to get so scrambled (in a hurry), that we hurt others.

He wants us to:

  • Take time to love others
  • Encourage others with our words

Then we won’t wish we could undo what we’ve done.

“Careless words stab like a sword, but wise words bring healing” (Proverbs 12:18 NCV).

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

Don't Put All Your Eggs in One BasketAlthough not found in the Bible, egg hunts have become a common Easter tradition. Close to Easter seems a good time to remember we don’t put all our eggs in one basket.

As children find Easter eggs, they usually place them in brightly-colored baskets. Too many eggs make a basket overflow. Extra weight from the eggs can make a fragile basket break.

Using more than one basket, if needed, reduces the risk of losing or breaking their eggs.

Neither should we put all our eggs in one basket.

We don’t want to limit our resources to one possibility.

For a greater chance of success, we must diversify.

  • Invest money in more than one company.
  • Study more than one subject.
  • Learn more than one skill.
  • Apply to more than one school.
  • Develop more than one hobby.
  • Plan more than one vacation route.

We want to keep our options open.

If one goal fails, we have an alternative.

If our dream becomes a nightmare, we can follow a different dream.

“But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations” (Psalm 33:11 NIV).

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