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Elbow Grease

Elbow Grease

Cleaning takes a lot of elbow grease. A good job requires hard labor that makes us sweat.

Elbow Grease--cleaning toolsWhen we use elbow grease, we work hard.

With house cleaning, we must:

  • Scrub every part of the house
  • Move furniture and other heavy objects
  • Get rid of loose and ground-in dirt

I decided a long time ago that housework is hazardous to our health. Yet, it must be done.

Other jobs that require elbow grease include:

Elbow grease often involves work with our arms.

Constant motion with our elbows, can result in injury. Several years ago, I sealed our deck with a brush. That job resulted in tendonitis that still gives me occasional problems. (It also gives me a good excuse to put off work like washing windows.)

Hard mental work also leaves us exhausted.

Mental work may not require elbow grease. Yet, it often tires us more than physical labor. After a full day of using our brains, a few minutes of physical activity feels good.

Whatever work we do, let’s give it our best. However, let’s not overdo.

God gave us one day a week to rest from our work and to worship.

What a wonderful way to prepare for the week ahead.

“The seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work” (Exodus 20:10 NIV).

How do you use elbow grease? Please comment below.

Thanks to Sue Davis Potts for the suggestion.

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