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Get the Ball Rolling

Get the Ball Rolling

Get the Ball Rolling-child kicking soccer ballGriffin likes to get the ball rolling. He is always ready for a game to begin. Many of us are a little slower getting started

Sometimes we fail to get the ball rolling.

That is true in soccer and true in life. We know we should begin. Yet, we keep putting off what we need or want to do.

We may not get the ball rolling for several reasons:

  • The job looks too hard.
  • We fear we might fail.
  • We get lazy.

Too often, we throw in the towel before we begin.

Someone had to get the ball rolling for:

  • Electricity
  • Internet service
  • Automobiles
  • Modern medicine

Now we cannot imagine life without those services. Yet, someone had to take the first step for us to enjoy them.

What if the next great invention is waiting for us to get the ball rolling?

  • What work do we need to start?
  • Who do we need to encourage?

Who knows what the future holds? Let’s do our best to make it better because of our actions today.

“Now begin the work, and the Lord be with you” (1 Chronicles 22:16 NIV).

Thanks to Lindsey Howard for the photo.

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