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Put Your Best Foot Forward

Put Your Best Foot Forward

Put Your Best Foot Forward--Deer in front of honeysuckle vinesThis young deer probably never heard you should put your best foot forward. Nevertheless, she did a great job demonstrating it. She nibbled on that honeysuckle vine with speed and purpose.

I thought she would run when I stepped onto the porch. However, she kept eating except when she turned to pose. She and her mama stared at me while I stared at them.

To put your best foot forward means to work quickly and with great effort.

You determine not to get off on the wrong foot. Instead, you:

In the process, you often impress others.

When you put your best foot forward, you act with enthusiasm.

In addition to hard work, you maintain a positive attitude. Your example may also lead others to work harder and better. Your passion may become their passion.

“Acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you” (1 Thessalonians 5:12 NIV).

Thanks to Joanne Viola for the suggestion.

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Alive and Kicking

Alive and Kicking

Alive and Kicking--Girl kicking on a sunset beachFew of us can kick as high as Stella. Yet, we can move at our own pace. We are alive and kicking.

I recently talked with a friend I had not seen in several years. When I asked how she was, she said, “I’m still kicking.” Like most people, she had experienced ups and downs. Some days she kicks higher than others.

Alive and kicking means alive and well.

As my father loved to say, we are “full of vim, vigor, and vitality.” We have:

  • Energy
  • Enthusiasm
  • Health

We are:

  • Strong
  • Alert
  • Active

We still exist, so we still have purpose.

Alive and kicking does not mean a perfect life.

We all deal with less than perfect experiences. That’s life. We may suffer:

  • Health crises
  • Financial woes
  • Relationship problems
  • Daily challenges

Yet, we don’t give up. Rather, we rise and shine. We give thanks for each day and determine to make the most of the resources and abilities we possess.

We kick as high as we can.

“I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands” (Psalm 63:4 NIV).

Thanks to Virginia Harris Sturgeon for the suggestion and to Rhonda Wade Royster for the photo.

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