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Down the Drain

Down the Drain

Down the Drain--waterfall between cliff wallsWe love to watch water fall into a river. However, we rarely want to watch water go down the drain. We lose that water, and it costs us.

Down the drain means wasted.

Our resources have:

  • Failed
  • Disappeared
  • Ruined

This may apply to:

  • Companies
  • Finances
  • Relationships
  • Personal or professional plans

Sometimes, we control what goes down the drain.

We do that when we:

  • Make risky investments.
  • Spend money recklessly.
  • Fail to nurture relationships.
  • Focus only on ourselves.

Other times, we have no control.

  • Banks or companies make poor decisions.
  • Thieves rob us.
  • People desert us.

Whether we have control or not, we lose.

Similar metaphors include:

  • Down the tubes
  • Down the pan
  • Down the toilet
  • Down the plughole

Life constantly changes.

With all its ups and downs, we look for a constant. We find that in a relationship with Jesus. Whatever the situation, Jesus remains with us and will guide us through it.

Circumstances may go down the drain. With Jesus, our eternity remains secure.

Thanks to Beckham Wilson for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Put to Bed

Put to Bed

Put to Bed--sleeping puppy on a hand-made cherry bedFollowing baths, brushed teeth, prayers, and other routines, children are put to bed every night.

Some of us also put our pets to bed. This puppy receives lots of love and care from its owner. A hand-made cherry bed waits anytime puppy needs a nap. Not a typical dog’s life.

We understand the literal meaning of put to bed.

People and animals need sleep. Going to bed may be voluntary or it may be required. Sometimes it serves as punishment for bad behavior.

It also means to stop discussing or arguing about an issue.

Whether we agree or disagree, we drop the subject. We let sleeping dogs lie.

It often means to complete all or part of an activity.

Final preparation begins or is already finished.

It’s a common saying for newspapers and other printing and means no more edits. Papers or books are ready to print.

The most important decision to put to bed is our eternal destination.

 We don’t want to leave our relationship with Jesus up in the air. At the end of the day, nothing matters more.

“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:4 NIV).

Thanks to J.D. Wininger for the suggestion and to Ina Ree Pickett for the photo.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Can’t Beat It with a Stick

Can’t Beat It with a Stick

Can't Beat It with a Stick-Old FaithfulOur family loves Yellowstone National Park. For a travel destination, we can’t beat it with a stick.

Consider all it offers:

  • A crystal-clear lake
  • Majestic mountains
  • Thundering waterfalls

Plus, wildlife:

  • Bison
  • Elk
  • Deer
  • Bears
  • Wolves

However, its thermal features are our favorites:

  • Mud pots
  • Geysers
  • Steam vents
  • Hot springs

That explosive power just under the earth’s surface amazes us.

Can’t beat it with a stick means nothing is better.

We can’t improve it. Definitely not fair to middling, no greater deal exists.

Sometimes, we simply say we can’t beat it. It’s excellent, as we find in:

  • The beauty and wonder of Yellowstone
  • A dependable car or truck
  • The best meal of our lives
  • A bargain at the store

More impressive than any of this is its Creator.

We stand in wonder of the beauty and bounty of our earth. Yet, imagine the One who created it.

Imagine eternity with the Creator of everything.

God promises an eternal home in heaven to everyone who follows Jesus. The apostle John describes his vision of heaven in the Bible’s book of Revelation. However, heaven’s glory remains beyond anything we can imagine.

“’What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’—the things God has prepared for those who love him—” (1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV).

Thanks to Joe and Ann Klotz for the suggestion. Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

How the Sausage Is Made-Harriet Michael book, Glimpses of the SaviorCongratulations to Frank Cheatham, whose name was randomly selected from my mailing list to receive a free copy of Shirley Crowder and Harriet Michael’s devotional book, Glimpses of the Savior: 50 Meditations for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year.

Subscribe to receive my weekly posts by email and receive a free copy of “Words of Hope for Days that Hurt.”

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