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Carbon Copy

Carbon Copy

Carbon copy--bridge reflected in water behind broken, twisted treesYoung people probably have no experience making a carbon copy. During typewriter days, we placed carbon paper between two blank sheets of paper. We then rolled all three into the typewriter. What we typed on the top sheet copied to the bottom.

Carbon paper made great copies. However, it could also make great messes. If we were not careful, we would:

  • Get ink on us and anything else it touched
  • Smear our copies, which made them hard to read

A carbon copy is an exact duplicate.

Its details are precise. It:

  • Looks the same
  • Matches perfectly
  • Reflects every feature

Like the bridge behind the tangled trees above, it is a spitting image. It remains faithful to the original in every way. If we see the copy, we understand the original.

We decide what we reflect.

Who or what influences us? Who or what do we influence? As with most of life, we choose. We then face the music – we live with the consequences of our choices.

We don’t always reflect perfectly.

Carbon paper smears. Water moves. When that happens, reflections wave. Images change.

Life gets messy. Like tangled trees, things get in our way. Yet, we keep trying. We keep working to reflect the best. In so doing, we improve.

“We can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18 TLB).

Thanks to Laurel Blevins and Karen Hart for the suggestion.

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Act High and Mighty

Act High and Mighty

Act High and Mighty--mountainsSome people think they are better than others.

Those who act high and mighty:

  • Appear proud and powerful
  • Want others to admire them
  • Believe they are more important than others
  • Act the opposite of humble, down-to-earth people.

People who act high and mighty have become too big for their britches.

They fail to treat everyone with respect.

No one is more or less important than anyone else. Different positions do not equal different worth.

The high and mighty don’t remain there forever.

Mountains change. People change.

The tallest mountains slowly erode. Rain, wind, animals, and people wear away the dirt and rocks. Time also changes the positions people fill.

God alone is eternally high and mighty.

God is God. People are not. Only God deserves our highest honor.

“Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you” (Psalm 89:8 NIV)

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