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Fly off the Handle

Fly off the Handle

Fly off the HandleDon’t fly off the handle — helpful advice for axes and for people.

An ax can do great good or great harm. Its heavy metal blade cuts through wood. That wood can provide heat, art, building supplies, and more

However, if the ax blade flies off the handle, look out. Anyone nearby is in danger of injury or death.

Likewise, anger can do great good or great harm. Controlled anger helps us:

  • Speak against evil.
  • Right a wrong.
  • Change ourselves.
  • Lead others to change.

However, we often let anger get out of control. Anger controls us rather than our controlling the anger. We fly off the handle (lose our temper). As a result, we suffer and cause others to suffer.

With an ax, we want to:

  • Keep it in good repair.
  • Hold the handle firmly.
  • Cut wood and never hurt people.

With anger we want to:

  • Understand its cause and purpose.
  • Keep it firmly controlled.
  • Use it for good, not harm.

Remember to treat anger like water off a duck’s back. Use it in a positive way, and gain tools for a better life.

An angry man stirs up dissension, and a hot-tempered one commits many sins. (Proverbs 29:22)

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