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Rise from the Ashes

Rise from the Ashes

Fise from the Ashes-Mount St. Helens
Mount St. Helens, July 2011

On Sunday, May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens blew.

Everything disappeared under the volcano’s ash and heat.

  • Trees
  • Plants
  • Houses
  • Animals
  • People

Yet, soon after, life began to rise from the ashes.

Plants grew. Animals returned. The land’s rebirth amazes all who see it.

Rise from the ashes comes from a myth about a bird.

The bird burns to death and then rises from the ashes.

However, the possibility of a fresh start is no myth. Anyone can begin again after hard times.

People must decide if they will rise from the ashes.

Will they refuse to allow a bad experience to keep them down? Or will they pick up the pieces of their life and keep going.

Sometimes people recover by themselves.

They heal from:

  • Illness
  • Job loss
  • Death of a loved one
  • Theft
  • Failure

Other times people recover as a group.

They heal from:

  • School shootings
  • War
  • Business failure
  • Floods
  • Fires
  • Tornados
  • Other man-made or natural disasters

With Jesus, anyone can rise from the ashes of sin and death.

When Jesus rose from the dead that first Easter morning, He defeated sin and death.

All who accept Jesus as Savior and Lord receive:

  • Forgiveness of sin
  • New life
  • An eternal home in heaven
  • Peace in all life’s storms

Not every problem disappears, but Jesus walks with believers through every problem.

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay” (Matthew 28:6 NIV).

Have you had a rise from the ashes experience? If so, please comment.

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Snug as a Bug in a Rug

Snug as a Bug in a Rug

Snug as a Bug in a Rug--baby in blanketAs I small child, I loved to snuggle with my parents.

They made me feel secure – snug as a bug in a rug.

They would wrap me in a blanket or quilt and hold me. We would:

  • Talk
  • Read
  • Sing or listen to music

I thought everything was okay as long as my parents held me close.

Like a bug in a warm rug, I felt:

  • Cozy
  • Comfortable
  • Content

As an adult, I know much in our world is not okay.

However, some things still make me feel snug as a bug in a rug.

  • A warm house on a cold winter night
  • Hugs from family and friends
  • Long walks in the middle of nowhere
  • A good book by a favorite author

One day everything will be okay for those who believe in Jesus.

Jesus loves me (and you) more than the best parents. He offers everyone:

  • Forgiveness of sin
  • A personal relationship
  • A home in heaven
  • A fresh start

Jesus guides through life’s good and bad times. His peace, joy, hope, and love fill my heart. That makes me more secure than any bug in a rug.

Will you accept His offer?

“They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord” (Psalm 112:7 NIV).

What makes you feel snug as a bug in a rug? Please comment.

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Thanks to Darrin and Danielle Jenkins for the photo.

Jump through Hoops

Jump through Hoops

Jump through Hoops--a dolphin jumping through a hoop in a poolSome animals have to jump through hoops to get what they want.

People also jump through hoops.

We have to perform certain tasks to get what we want.

Several services require us to jump through hoops.

That is true for:

  • Health care
  • Insurance
  • Government agencies
  • Jobs
  • Businesses
  • Schools

Often, we must jump through several hoops.

Phone calls may mean:

  • Make the call.
  • Wait on hold.
  • Transfer to another person.
  • Wait on hold again.
  • Leave a message or call back later.

Paperwork can include:

  • Fill out a form.
  • Wait.
  • Fill out more forms.
  • Wait again.
  • Make a phone call to see what happened to the paperwork.

Have you been there and done that?

I have bad news and good news.

The bad news: We will probably have to continue jumping through hoops for most services.

The good news: Jesus loves us just as we are. If we give Him control of our lives, He will:

  • Forgive our sins
  • Offer guidance every day
  • Give us eternal life

No hoops, just an invitation into the family of God and a home in heaven.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV).

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Bear Our Cross

Bear Our Cross

Bear Our Cross: a cross with crown of thornsTo bear our cross means to carry a burden.

Similar expressions include:

  • Carry our cross
  • Cross to bear
  • Cross to carry

All mean we live with difficulty. We often carry our burden alone.

Burdens or responsibilities may include:

  • Illness
  • Financial problems
  • Difficult relationships

We may sometimes joke about small burdens, such as:

  • Chores we don’t like (for example, cooking and cleaning)
  • Busybody neighbors
  • Active children

To bear our cross comes from the Bible.

Before Jesus was crucified, soldiers beat Him. Then Jesus had to carry His cross. When Jesus became too weak, soldiers forced another man to carry Jesus’ cross for Him.

Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for our sins. He loves us that much.

Yet, after three days, Jesus rose from the dead. He won the battle against sin and death. If we accept Jesus as Savior, He forgives our sins and promises us eternal life. He gives us a fresh start. That is the promise of Easter.

Jesus told His followers to count the cost and take up our cross.

That means we:

  • Choose Jesus above everything.
  • Give God control of our lives.
  • Follow God’s will wherever that leads and whatever the cost.

Taking up our cross for Jesus is not always easy. It is always worth it.

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23).

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Cry Over Spilled Milk

Cry Over Spilled Milk

Cry Over Spilled Milk--a glass of spilled milk“Dry your tears. There is no need to cry over spilled milk.”

As a child, I often heard those words. Sometimes I had spilled milk. Usually I was unhappy about something I could not change.

We cry over spilled milk when upset about what we cannot control. Often what upset us occurred in the past.

We cannot undo the past.

We cannot unspill milk. Neither can we undo anything that has already happened. The past is water under the bridge.

We can do something about the present and future.

  • If something bad happened in the past, we can learn from the experience.
  • If something good happened, we can remember and smile.
  • If we hurt someone, we can ask forgiveness.
  • If someone hurt us, we can forgive.

Instead of crying over spilled milk, we can let bygones be bygones. We can choose to grow from all that happens, good or bad.

“One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead” (Philippians 3:13 NIV).

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Eyes in the Back of Her Head

Eyes in the Back of Her Head

Eyes in the Back of Her Head--adult femaleDoes your mom have eyes in the back of her head?

Many children think so. Of course, moms don’t have eyes in the back of their heads. Yet, they seem to know when their children have done wrong.

Children’s behaviors usually show they have disobeyed. They may:

  • Avoid their parents
  • Fail to look them in the eye
  • Say “I didn’t do it,” before parents ask if they did anything

As adults, we share some of those same behaviors.

We usually act guilty if we are guilty.

Some people hide guilt better than others. Yet, when we try to hide our guilt, we make a bad situation worse. We may:

  • Fear contact with the person we wronged
  • Change our behavior when around that person
  • Lie and lose that person’s trust

Why not choose a better way?

Then we won’t have to worry if Mom, or anyone else, has eyes in the back of her head.

“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13 NIV).

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Snake in the Grass

Snake in the Grass

Snake in the Grass--a snake's head coming out of grassI don’t like to get too close to a snake in the grass.

I’m not afraid of most snakes. They help keep mice away. However, I don’t want snakes to hide in my yard.

A few snakes can kill with their bites. I am afraid of them.

I prefer not having a person who is a snake in the grass near me either.

A snake in the grass cannot be trusted. That person will:

  • Cheat
  • Lie
  • Steal
  • Hurt others to get what he or she wants

Like a dangerous snake (animal) hiding in the grass, a snake in the grass person tries to hide bad behavior. The person attacks or hurts others when they least expect it.

God offers a better way.

I pray that everyone who tries to trick and hurt others will choose God’s way. Just as God forgives me when I confess my wrongs, God will also forgive them. Sometimes we all need a fresh start.

“Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon” (Isaiah 55:7 NIV).

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Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

Face the Music

Face the Music

Face the MusicI love to listen to music.

Music makes me laugh, cry, dance, worship, and more. Few things in life offer as much pleasure.

I still remember the first time I saw the opening scene of The Sound of Music. I wanted to run up that mountain with Julie Andrews and sing just like her. I could probably run up the mountain. I will never sing like that.

I don’t like to face the music.

I don’t want to accept the results of my actions when I have done wrong. When other people do wrong, I usually think they should face the music. They should pay for their mistakes. Yet, I don’t want the same for myself.

However, I live with the consequences of the choices I make.

Most of the time, good choices result in a good life. Bad choices usually result in a bad life. That is not always true, but it is most of the time.

The choices I make also affect other people. I want to help them make good choices and avoid bad ones.

Likewise, I want to choose carefully the people who guide me. Although I see many examples, I choose the ones I follow.

  • Whether I have good or bad teachers, I choose my actions.
  • Whether I have good or bad friends, I choose my actions.
  • Whether I have a good or bad family, I choose my actions.

Making right choices is not always easy. When I fail, I ask God for forgiveness and thank God for a fresh start. God offers that same forgiveness and fresh start to everyone.

I pray you always enjoy beautiful music. I also pray you make good choices so you don’t have to face the music.

“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19 NIV).

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