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No Bigger than a Minute

No Bigger than a Minute

No Bigger than a Minute--Diana with nephewSome expressions suit us to a T.  This one describes me. All my life, I have been the smallest or one of the smallest in most settings.

  • Smallest person in my family
  • One of the smallest in my classes at school
  • Smallest in my office
  • Usually smallest in sports

You get the picture. Here I stand with my then 15-year-old nephew. The gentle giant with the shrimp of the family.

What makes this picture more fun: He was born tiny and premature. I was a big full-term baby.

No bigger than a minute means very small.

The expression often refers to a person who looks:

  • Tiny
  • Skinny
  • Frail
  • Hungry

This can also refer to animals or objects.

Abandoned baby animals look frail and hungry. In addition to food, they need tender loving care.

This expression has a few variations.

Although poor grammar, the following are common.

  • Weren’t no bigger than a minute
  • Ain’t bigger than a minute

 Anyone or anything no bigger than a minute can make a big difference.

Regardless of our size (or any other characteristic), God can use us to make the world a better place. Let’s work together — gentle giants, shrimps, and everyone in between — to spread God’s love with a hurting world.

“He will bless those who fear the Lord—small and great alike” (Psalm 115:13 NIV).

Thanks to Ann Klotz for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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