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Tag: get to work

Play Possum

Play Possum

Play Possum--possum with 3 babies on her back on a tree limb

Many of us tried to play possum when we were children. We wanted to stay in bed when our parents said to get up. We kept our eyes closed and remained as still as possible.

We often display similar behaviors as adults. Some days we simply don’t want to rise and shine.

When opossums (or possums) feel threatened, they pretend to be dead.

They try to avoid attack by lying still. Their goal is for the other animals to leave them alone. Apparently, that defense works well.

When faced with danger:

  • They don’t fight.
  • They don’t run.
  • They play dead.

To play possum means to pretend to be dead or asleep.

It may also mean to pretend not to know. We want to avoid a person or situation. We don’t want to:

  • Wake up
  • Get up
  • Work
  • Accept responsibility

Like the possum, we hope the threat to our rest loses interest and goes away.

The time comes to stop playing possum and get to work.

 We need and enjoy rest and play. Yet, for the best life, we also put our hand to the plow and meet our responsibilities.

“How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?” (Proverbs 6:9 NIV).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion.

Image by daynaw3990 from Pixabay

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Fish or Cut Bait

Fish or Cut Bait

Fish or Cut Bait--farm pond with barns and trees in the backgroundI rarely fish. When I do, people with me probably wish I had stayed home.

They never say to fish or cut bait. I’m sure they think I should.

I hate to touch worms or fish. Therefore, someone else has to put on my worms and take off my fish.

However, I do have one tall tale about catching a huge catfish in my family’s pond.

Of course, I caught that whopper by accident.

Fish or cut bait means to get to work or get out of the way.

Do I plan to fish? If not, I need to move, so others can. If I choose not to fish, I can cut up their bait. Ick! I don’t want to do that either. I rather take pictures or go home.

Fish or cut bait applies to any type of work or activity.

 When I fail to do my job, I waste my time and the time of others. Therefore, I need to:

  • Decide if I plan to work or watch
  • Proceed with my job or leave it
  • Use or stop wasting resources

Jesus calls believers to fish for people.

Fishing for people is not only a job for preachers and teachers. It is a call for all Jesus’ followers. No ifs, ands, or buts. Jesus calls us to fish. If we love God and love others, we will share that love.

 “‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people’” Matthew 4:19 NIV).

Thanks to Emily Akin for the suggestion and to Robbie Childress for the photo.

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Get the Ball Rolling

Get the Ball Rolling

Get the Ball Rolling-child kicking soccer ballGriffin likes to get the ball rolling. He is always ready for a game to begin. Many of us are a little slower getting started

Sometimes we fail to get the ball rolling.

That is true in soccer and true in life. We know we should begin. Yet, we keep putting off what we need or want to do.

We may not get the ball rolling for several reasons:

  • The job looks too hard.
  • We fear we might fail.
  • We get lazy.

Too often, we throw in the towel before we begin.

Someone had to get the ball rolling for:

  • Electricity
  • Internet service
  • Automobiles
  • Modern medicine

Now we cannot imagine life without those services. Yet, someone had to take the first step for us to enjoy them.

What if the next great invention is waiting for us to get the ball rolling?

  • What work do we need to start?
  • Who do we need to encourage?

Who knows what the future holds? Let’s do our best to make it better because of our actions today.

“Now begin the work, and the Lord be with you” (1 Chronicles 22:16 NIV).

Thanks to Lindsey Howard for the photo.

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