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A Taste of Their Own Medicine

A Taste of Their Own Medicine

A Taste of Their Own Medicine; child giving medicine to adultWhen people get a taste of their own medicine, they receive what they have given others. They don’t usually like it.

Medicine tastes better than it did in the past. Yet, most medicine still tastes awful. Children often fight taking it. The medicine lands on the child, adult, and anything else nearby.

Some adults pretend to taste the medicine. They act like it’s great.  They know better. Many children know better too.

When adults get sick, they receive a taste of our own medicine. What they have given, they receive. The experience makes them better. Yet, the medicine still tastes awful.

A taste of their own medicine applies to behavior as well. What people give or do to others often returns to them. What goes around comes around.

  • When people hurt others, they invite hurt.
  • If people gossip, others feel free to gossip about them.
  • If people don’t respect others, they probably won’t receive respect.

That doesn’t mean people should return evil for evil. In fact, Romans 12:21 says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

However, the truth remains: People tend to treat others the way they are treated.


  • To be treated well, treat others well.
  • To avoid gossip, don’t gossip.
  • To receive respect, show respect.

Kindness to others does not guarantee kind treatment in return. However, it is the right thing to do.

“Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31 NIV).

Special thanks to Julie Posey Johnson for the photo of Ian giving Dad a taste of his own medicine.

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Make Waves

Make Waves

Make WavesPeople sometimes warn us not to make waves. Other times, we realize we must. When we choose to make waves, we:

  • Rock the boat
  • Upset someone or something
  • Shock or disturb
  • Risk being called a trouble maker

Two truths about making waves help us decide what to do.

Waves can do great good, by:

  • Continuing earth’s natural flow
  • Calming us
  • Providing beauty and pleasure

Waves can also do much harm, by causing:

  • Ship wrecks
  • Drowning
  • Destruction of houses or communities.

Likewise, we can do great good or much harm by:

  • Improving or damaging our world
  • Correcting or increasing mistakes

Before we make waves, let’s be certain our actions make a positive difference.

“If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea” (Isaiah 48:18 NIV).

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For Good Measure

For Good Measure

For Good Measure--grocery scales above fruitMany of us prefer shopping at neighborhood stores and farmers markets. The product quality is only a small part of what makes them special. These merchants usually add extra to our purchase for good measure.

For good measure means more than a fair amount.

Such merchants believe giving extra is the right thing to do.If they lose a little money, that’s okay with them.

  • They value every customer.
  • We always receive fair treatment.

We like to buy from people we trust.

Even if their prices are higher than other stores, we still go there. They are our friends and neighbors. We go to the same activities and attend the same schools and churches.

However, they also give strangers more than necessary for good measure. Such kindness makes a difference in many lives.

Why not follow their example?

Let’s give more for good measure – more

  • Smiles
  • Encouragement
  • Financial help
  • Time
  • Attention to what matters most in life

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Luke 6:38 NIV)

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