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At the Drop of a Hat

At the Drop of a Hat

At the Drop of a Hat--Sun hat hangs from shelf with garden trowel and gloves above itMy grandmother worked in her flowers at the drop of a hat. I wish I had inherited her green thumb.

My talent? I cry at the drop of a hat.

  • Happy times? I cry.
  • Sad times? I cry.
  • Babies and puppies? I cry.
  • Sad books or movies. I cry.

Tears come quickly, and almost anything causes them.

At the drop of a hat means suddenly and with little warning.

Many of us laugh at the drop of a hat. We find humor everywhere. People around us laugh at our laughter. What a hoot!

At the drop of the hat also means without delay.

Mention travel, and we pack our bags to hit the trail. We want to leave immediately, if not sooner.

This expression probably originated with dropping a hat as a signal.

According to The Free Dictionary, a dropped hat signaled “the start of a race or other contest” in the late 1800s.

A few people help others at the drop of a hat.

If they have it, they share it.

  • Time
  • Abilities
  • Money
  • Possessions

Without hesitation, they practice “What’s mine is yours.”

We read such a story in the Bible (Luke 10:25-37). Often called the parable of the good Samaritan, one man helped another who had been robbed and beaten. The Samaritan ignored differences in background and culture. He simply saw a need and met it.

Referring to the good Samaritan, Jesus said, “Go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37 NIV).

Thanks to Ginny Merritt for the suggestion.

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Start from Scratch

Start from Scratch

Start from Scratch--hand on biscuit dough, with rolling pin and sifterMy mother and grandmothers made the best homemade biscuits. Instead of store bought, they would always start from scratch.

To start from scratch means to start from nothing.

  • Begin at the beginning.
  • Take no shortcuts.

Start from Scratch--cutting out biscuitsFrom-scratch cooks would never bake:

  • Biscuits from a box
  • Cake from a mix
  • Meat from a can

Instead, they began with basic ingredients like flour, sugar, and shortening. Made-from-scratch food makes a mouth-watering difference. It tastes so much better.

However, my mom did use mixes part-time as she grew older.

Start from scratch began as a sports phrase.

Someone would scratch a starting line on the ground for a race to begin. A runner would toe the mark in order to begin at the beginning. According to The Phrase Finder, people have used this expression since the 18th century.

Start from scratch now relates to most activities. For example, in the business world, it refers to a person who begins a new project.

As the New Year approaches, look for new opportunities.

Start from Scratch--ready-to-bake biscuits in a skillet Whether you continue with the old or start with new, I pray all your plans go well. I also hope you enjoy a few made-from-scratch biscuits.

Happy New Year!

“May [the Lord] give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed” (Psalm 20:4 NIV).

Thanks to Beckham Wilson for the suggestion and to Jeri Stone for the photos.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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