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Fine as Frog’s Hair

Fine as Frog’s Hair

Fine as Frog's Hair-Carlton Hughes photoPlease welcome my friend Carlton Hughes as today’s guest writer. Carlton and I met at Kentucky Christian Writers ConferenceCarlton, represented by Cyle Young of C.Y.L.E. Agency, wears many hats. By day, he is a professor of communication. On Wednesdays and Sundays, he serves as a children’s pastor. In his “spare time,” he is a freelance writer. Carlton is an empty-nesting dad and devoted husband who enjoys classic sitcoms and chocolate—all the chocolate. His work has been featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Focus on the Family, and numerous devotional books from Worthy Publishing, including The Wonders of Nature, Just Breathe, So God Made a Dog, and Everyday Grace for Men. His latest book is Adventures in Fatherhood, co-authored with Holland Webb, from Ellie Claire/Hachette Publishing. Carlton also enjoys dressing up as crazy characters and making videos for his children’s ministry. He once made actress Emilia Clarke laugh.

Fine as Frog's Hair -- tree frogI used to go to church with a man who introduced me to this phrase. Whenever I greeted him and asked how he was doing, he always answered the same way.

“Fine as frog’s hair!”

Frogs don’t have hair, but, if they did, it would be fine — thin, hard to see. This phrase is a play on the word “fine,” which can also mean “good.”

We often greet each other and give an automatic answer.

If you ask me how I am, I will answer, “fine” without even thinking.

I recently had the flu, and I definitely did not feel fine, frog hair or none. If someone had asked “How are you,” I could have honestly answered, “Horrible!”

As Christians, we need to be real with each other.

Putting on a fake smile and pretending everything is okay when we are hurting is not the way to go. The Bible encourages us to bear each other’s burdens. We don’t have to give a gloomy answer when someone asks about our condition. However, we should be honest with our Christian brothers and sisters if something is wrong.

“An honest answer is a sign of true friendship” (Proverbs 24:26 GNT).

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How Are You?

How Are You?

How are YouWe often say, “How are you?as a greeting, not a true question. It sounds like we want to know a person’s physical or emotional health. We usually don’t. Instead, we say it the same way we say:

  • Hi
  • Hello
  • Hey
  • Good morning (afternoon, evening)

Sometimes we alter “How are you?” to “How ya doin’?” (How are you doing?)

We expect people to answer, “Fine. How are you?” or “Fine. How about you?”

We don’t mean to be uncaring. Like most habits, we never think about our actions.

Next time we ask, “How are you?” why not pause long enough for a real response? As Piper did in this picture:

  • Stop what we are doing.
  • Look at the person.
  • Listen carefully.

We might be surprised at what we learn.

This tradition may never change. However, we all benefit by caring for one another. When we take time to listen, we show respect and concern. Our world can certainly use more of that.

“The wise man learns by listening” (Proverbs 21:11 TLB).

Thanks to Karen Atwood for the photo.

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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