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Tag: half-hearted



Half-Hearted--autumn maple leaf with heart in centerI don’t like to play golf. When family or friends invite me, I play a half-hearted game. I prefer to hit the trail for a long walk in the country. Nature’s beauty thrills me any time of year, not hours on a golf course.

Half-hearted means my heart is not in an activity.

I don’t care for the activity or its results. Therefore, I give it little attention or effort. Other half-hearted examples include to:

  • Say, “I am sorry,” but not mean it
  • Invite a friend to visit but hope they stay home
  • Study for a test while texting and watching television

Sometimes half-hearted means I lack courage.

I act like a coward, full of fear. Rather than do what needs to be done, I hope someone else does it.

For example, if a frog were to get in my house, I would probably wait in another room while a braver person gets it out. I might yell at the frog to leave – from a distance. Because frogs jump too fast, I would want help. So far, all frogs have stayed outside.

When others need help, I want to give them whole-hearted attention.

May God fill me with the courage to show true love and concern. Like so many who have helped me, I want to serve God and help others from the heart—my whole heart.

“I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever” (Psalm 86:12 NIV).

Thanks to Becky Nash Rowe for the suggestion. Image by Rebekka D with Pixabay.

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