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Strike While the Iron Is Hot

Strike While the Iron Is Hot

Strike While the Iron Is Hot-making a horseshoeA blacksmith must strike while the iron is hot. When fire makes iron soft, the blacksmith hits it with his hammer. Only then can he shape it.

If he waits too long, the iron cools. It becomes too hard to shape. He must act quickly – when the time is right.

We must also strike while the iron is hot.

Like farmers who make hay while the sun shines, we act while we have the opportunity. If we wait, we may be too late.

Some tasks wait with no problem (dusting furniture). Others demand immediate attention (hungry children).

Some opportunities come only once. For example, we see people in need we will never see again. With those, we must act quickly.

Relationships matter most.

We often delay caring for people, especially those closest to us.

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Neighbors

We think we have plenty of time. Therefore, we never take the time to keep those relationships strong. As a result, we may lose them.

Remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Better to build strong relationships now than have to mend fences later. Look for ways to:

  • Show love.
  • Help one another.
  • Spend time together.
  • Make good memories.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17 NIV).

Thanks to Shirley Redding Rice for the suggestion.

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Hit the Nail on the Head

Hit the Nail on the Head

Hit the Nail on the Head-Charity PowellThese young people hit the nail on the head with their hammers. They also hit the nail on the head with their lives.

When we hammer nails, we try to hit the head (the top flat part). We want to hit it exactly right. We may suffer several ways if we miss.

  • The hammer hits a thumb or finger. Ouch!
  • The hammer bends the nail.
  • We damage what we are building or repairing.

However, if we hit the nail on the head, we achieve great results.

When we hit the nail on the head with our lives, we also achieve great results. We get it right.

  • We find the solution to a problem.
  • We give the correct answer.
  • We report a needed change.
  • We live a good life.

When we fail to live well, we suffer.

  • Focusing on ourselves, we miss the joy of service.
  • Ignoring laws and rules, we damage our reputation and influence.
  • Living right only part-time, people don’t trust us.

As this group with Kentucky Heartland Outreach learned, serving God and others is a great way to live. We can learn much from them.

It’s never too late to pick up life’s hammer and hit the nail on the head.

“‘Is not my word like fire,’ declares the LORD, ‘and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?’” (Jeremiah 23:29 NIV)

Thanks to Charity Powell for the photo.

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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