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Happy-Go-Lucky baby and child on tree swingsChildren on swings usually look and sound happy-go-lucky.

However, like those swings, most of us have our ups and downs. Circumstances often dictate whether we feel:

  • Happy
  • Sad
  • Lonely
  • Mad
  • Scared

Yet, a few people remain happy-go-lucky regardless of their situations. Little, if anything, gets them down.

Happy-go-lucky means always happy.

Such people’s moods remain cheery and good natured. Life never seems to trouble them. They stay happy as a lark and worry free.

Happy-go-lucky people dwell on the positives.

Although they don’t deny negative experiences, they remain optimistic. They treat problems like water off a duck’s back by shaking off any negative reactions.

We may not always feel happy, but we can always experience joy.

God offers each of us the joy of a relationship with Jesus as Savior and Lord. For many people in the world, that decision leads to persecution and/or death. In spite of the dangers, they continue to share their joy with others. True joy makes that great a difference.

“In all our troubles my joy knows no bounds.” (2 Corinthians 7:4 NIV.)

Thanks to Brad Leverett for the suggestion and to Darrin Jenkins for the photo.

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Happy as a Lark

Happy as a Lark

Happy as a Lark--skylark on a fenceNothing compares to the sound of birds singing. Hearing their music makes many of us happy as a lark.

Listen to the songs of a western meadowlark here. For six-year-old William Zhang’s performance of Tchaikovsky’s Song of the Lark, Op. 39 No. 22, listen here.

Happy as a lark means very happy.

 Little things often give us joy.

  • A child with a toy
  • Time with family and friends
  • A walk in the park

We increase our happiness when we make others happy.

Causing them to smile makes us smile too.

Look for opportunities to make others happy as a lark.

We get so busy we often fail to notice needs around us. Instead, we can:

  • Babysit for a tired mom, swamped with responsibility.
  • Run errands for a sick neighbor.
  • Take children to sing for a senior citizens group
  • Cheer up someone down in the dumps.

Enjoy the songs of birds. Share your songs of joy with a hurting world.

“The birds of the sky nest by the waters; they sing among the branches” (Psalm 104:12 NIV).

Thanks to Bill Ellis, whose May 2022 Kentucky Monthly article, “Though I’ve Never Played a Violin, I’m Fit as a Fiddle,” led to this post. Image by Johnnys_pic from Pixabay.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

Subscribe to receive my weekly posts by email and receive a free copy of “Words of Hope for Days that Hurt.”

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Warm the Cockles of My Heart

Warm the Cockles of My Heart

Warm the Cockles of My Heart--bowl of seashellsTo warm the cockles of my heart, something makes me happy.

I never use this expression. I do say something gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. The two expressions mean almost the same. Deep inside, I feel:

  • Good
  • Content
  • Warm

I have no cockles in my heart.

No one does. So how did this expression start? wiseGEEK and other sources offer these two possibilities:

  1. The “Latin description for the heart’s chambers, cochleae cordis.” Cockles became a slang word for cochleae.
  2. Mollusk shells (cockles) and the human heart have similar shapes. (See photo.)

They give other ideas, but these two seem most common.

The following warm the cockles of my heart:

What about you?

What warms the cockles of your heart? Please comment below.

On Valentine’s Day and every day, may life warm the cockles of your heart.

“We know how dearly God loves us, and we feel this warm love everywhere within us because God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love” (Romans 5:5 TLB).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion.

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