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Needle in a Haystack

Needle in a Haystack

Needle in a Haystack--field of haystacksHave you tried to find a needle in a haystack? Believe me, it is not easy. I have never looked for a real needle in a stack of hay. However, I have hunted for several hard-to-locate items.

I have searched high and low and looked up one side and down the other for:

  • A black button in a pile of black clothing
  • A needle in a box of pins
  • A four-leaf clover in a three-leaf clover field

A needle in a haystack means anything hard to find.

A few items are almost impossible to locate. When mixed with other things that look about the same, I can spend hours hunting. Sometimes I succeed. Other times I fail.

Some needles are worth the effort. Others are not.

  • When I need a black button, I keep looking for it.
  • If I have to sew that button on a shirt, I keep looking for the needle.
  • Only when I have free time do I look for four-leaf clovers.

Opportunities to help others require little searching.

Needs exist everywhere.

  • News reports tell of recent events.
  • Churches use volunteers and offerings for local and world-wide ministry.
  • Crisis relief centers meet daily emergencies.

Search for and help with God’s work wherever you find it.

[There is] “a time to search and a time to give up.” (Ecclesiastes 3:6 NIV).

Thanks to Janna Babak for the suggestion. Image by Bronisław Dróżka from Pixabay.

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Hit the Hay

Hit the Hay

Hit the Hay, morgueFileYears ago, people made mattresses from sacks stuffed with hay or straw. When it was time to go to bed, they would say:

  • “It’s time to hit the hay.”
  • “It’s time to hit the sack.”

My parents expected us to rise and shine early in the morning. They also wanted us to hit the hay early in the evening. They believed we needed a good night’s sleep to do our best. It prepared us for the next day’s plans.

  • A test
  • A long trip
  • A hard day’s work

Therefore, we received at least eight hours of sleep. We awoke rested and ready for that day’s tasks. Medical evidence supports the wisdom of this habit.

Unfortunately, many of us ignore sleep’s importance. We stay too busy. We fill our lives with too much activity.

  • School
  • Work
  • Clubs
  • Sports
  • Television
  • Internet

We have to do part of these. Many we choose instead of sleep. Think what we could gain from less activity and more rest. Try it.

  • Turn off the noise.
  • Let muscles relax and eyes close.
  • Enjoy the peace and quiet.

We might be surprised how much better we feel, think, and act.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NIV).

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Photo courtesy of morgueFile.

Make Hay While the Sun Shines

Make Hay While the Sun Shines

Make Hay While the Sun Shines 1-tractor and hay cutter in fieldA farmer has to make hay while the sun shines.

His work depends on the weather.

  • If rain delays cutting the hay, it may be tough and have little food value.
  • Rainfall after hay is cut, but before it’s raked and baled, requires extra work to remove the moisture.
  • If the rain lasts too long, an entire crop could be lost.
  • Without hay for their livestock, farmers have to buy feed or sell their animals.

Make Hay While the Sun Shines-hay balesHow does make hay while the sun shines apply to non-farmers?

We can spend days or years planning what we want to do. However, we have only one certain way to achieve our goals: If the circumstances are right, act now.

Several clichés explain this particular farming expression:

  • Make the most of your opportunities.
  • We have no guarantee of tomorrow.
  • There’s no time like the present.

Let’s act while we have the opportunity.

Let’s make hay while the sun shines! If we wait, we may lose our chance forever.

As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work (John 9:4 NIV).

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