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From Here to Yonder

From Here to Yonder

From Here to YonderFrom here to yonder makes sense to people in the southern United States.

It can be confusing for everyone else. We use this expression several ways.

  • If I can’t find something, I may say, “I searched from here to yonder.” That means I looked almost everywhere.
  • If I give directions, I may say, “It’s not that far from here to yonder.” I mean I don’t know exactly how far, but it’s a short distance.
  • If I tell you, “It’s way over yonder,” then the distance is longer.
  • If I want to show you something, I may point and say “It’s over yonder.”

In other words, from here to yonder describes distance.

The distance may be near or far. We may or may not be able to see what is yonder.

Of course, you can always substitute the word there for yonder.

They have similar meanings. However, there is a boring word. Yonder adds southern charm.

Comparing yonder to there is like comparing:

  • A chocolate-chip-and-raspberry ice cream cone to plain vanilla.
  • A night sky with a full moon and stars to a sky with no light.
  • A tree in full bloom to one with no leaves.

There tells you what you need to know. Yonder tells you what you need to know — southern style.

“Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life” (Psalm 143:8 NIV).

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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