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Third Time’s a Charm

Third Time’s a Charm

Third Time's a Charm--4-lead clovers in tic-tac-toe rowI have heard third time’s a charm all my life. Like many older expressions, I could not find its origin.

Third time’s a charm means the third time will probably be successful.

Some people say third time’s a charm for good luck. They believe the expression is true. Others hope it is true.

I don’t believe in luck. However, I do believe in hard work and not giving up. Therefore, the more I try, the greater my chances of success.

Rather than third time’s a charm, I prefer try, try again.

If one effort does not work, I go back to the drawing board until I figure out what to do. I must:

Although I don’t believe in luck, I do enjoy looking for four-leaf clovers that are considered good luck. I also enjoy jokes about the luck of the Irish.

Third Time's a Charm--Happy St. Patrick's DayAbove all, I depend on guidance from my never-failing God.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

“The Lord bless and keep you” (Numbers 6:24 NIV).

Thanks to Walter Maude for the suggestion. Photos courtesy of Pixabay.

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Slim Pickings

Slim Pickings

Slim Pickings--empty store shelvesMany stores open early and close late on sale days. Early shoppers find several choices. Those who shop later in the day find slim pickings.

Slim pickings mean few choices.

Not much is left after others take what they want. This applies to more than shopping. We often find slim pickings:

  • At the end of a food line
  • Near the end of a gardening season

Slim pickings for one person look like treasures for others.

  • A small amount of food can save a starving person.
  • One coat warms a person in freezing weather.

What treasures can we offer others who survive on slim pickings?

Perhaps a good New Year’s resolution would be to share from our wealth.

  • Buy extra at the grocery to feed the hungry.
  • Give away some of our clothes and shoes.
  • Spend less on self and donate the money saved.

Why not make giving a lifestyle? We can’t take it with us when we die. Why not put it to good use while we live. Let’s give of our wealth. Let’s give of ourselves.

“The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor” (Proverbs 22:9 NIV).

Thanks to Ruby Colvin for the suggestion.

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Deck the Halls

Deck the Halls

Deck the Halls, Christmas villageDeck the Halls is a traditional Christmas and New Year’s song.

As sung in this video, the original version was Deck the Hall (not Halls).

However we sing it, the message remains the same: Tis the season of joy.  Therefore, we decorate with signs of the season. We also celebrate with:

  • Music
  • Gifts
  • Church services
  • Visits with family and friends
  • Parties
  • Food
  • Santa Claus
  • Elves and reindeer
  • Helping people in need

We deck the halls, but so much more.

 Trees, lights, and other Christmas symbols decorate our:

  • Houses
  • Businesses
  • Parks
  • Churches
  • Bridges
  • Everywhere we look for weeks before and after Christmas

Why Bother?

What’s the big deal about Christmas anyway?

We get so busy decking halls, we sometimes forget the reason why. And it is a big deal.

Jesus came, God to earth, in the form of a baby.

Jesus came as our Savior, to die for our sins. His gift to all who accept Him: a personal relationship with God and a home in heaven.

We can deck the halls and more, if we wish. We can keep our decorations simple, if we wish. However we celebrate this special time of year, may we always remember why.

Merry Christmas!

“A child shall be born to a virgin! And she shall call him Immanuel (meaning, “God is with us”)” (Isaiah 7:14 TLB).

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Free as a Bird

Free as a Bird

Free as a Bird--eagle flying in front of sunWhat fun to be free as a bird:

  • No worries
  • No problems
  • Totally free

We feel free as a bird if we are free from:

  • Work (Friday afternoon with the weekend ahead)
  • School (the beginning of summer vacation)
  • Marriage (if we prefer a single life)
  • Jail
  • Anything that keeps us from what we want to do

On July 4, Independence Day, the United States celebrates our country’s freedom.

The bald eagle symbolizes that freedom.

July 4 includes:

  • Parades
  • Fireworks
  • Cookouts
  • Music
  • Worship
  • And so much more

Although far from perfect, we enjoy freedoms many people have never known.

Yet, our freedom comes at great price for many.

Soldiers often go beyond the call of duty.

  • Many gave their lives.
  • Others live with physical, mental, and emotional scars from protecting the freedom we enjoy.

Beyond the Call of Duty--flag flyingIn honor of them, wave Old Glory high. Give thanks for the land of the free because of the brave.

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3:17 NIV).

Do you have a favorite expression or one you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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From the Heart

From the Heart

From the Heart-quilt on a rockerToday’s post comes from the heart. I share it with:

  • Deep feelings
  • Sincere emotions
  • Love for the families I mention

Foster parents share their homes and their hearts.

They care for children who need a temporary home. They help children and families pick up the pieces of their lives.

Foster parents serve from the heart.

They love their children during good times and bad. They celebrate when children do well. They choose to love when children:

  • Reject their love
  • Damage their home
  • Break their hearts with bad choices

Foster parents receive few rewards.

News reports usually tell only bad foster parent stories. They rarely mention the families who give good care. Yet, foster parents continue their labor of love anyway.

My parents provided foster care several years. I worked with foster families almost 30 years. I saw their love and shared their hurt.

When I retired, foster parents gave me this quilt from their hearts. I recently wrote about it for Kentucky Living magazine.

When you see foster parents, thank them from your heart for:

  • Caring
  • Sharing
  • Giving
  • Healing

Happy Valentine’s Day to families who make our world a better place.

“Love one another deeply, from the heart” (1 Peter 1:22 NIV).

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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