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Tag: honest

Upon My Word of Honor

Upon My Word of Honor

Upon My Word of Honor--2 older women dressed up with pursesWhen anything shocked my grandmother and her sister, they often declared, “Upon my word of honor!” Occasionally they shortened it to “Pon my word of honor!” or simply “My word!”

Sometimes their surprise came from love or admiration. Both enjoyed and grew flowers. An amazing new discovery led to clapped hands and words of approval.

Other times the same words expressed their disapproval. Unruly children might lead to, “Upon my word of honor! I can’t believe their parents let them get away with that.”

Upon my word of honor has two main meanings.

 My grandmother and great-aunt demonstrated one.

1. It expresses shock or surprise.

People can’t believe what they see or hear. It amazes them.

2. Upon my word of honor is also an oath or vow.

People promise or pledge to do something. That may be a formal pledge like an oath of office. It may also be an informal promise between friends or acquaintances. They mean they will do what they say. They vow they are telling the truth.

Why not always live an honest life rather than make promises?

If people know someone is as good as their word, they will not question what that person says or does. They trust them.

“Say just a simple ‘Yes, I will’ or ‘No, I won’t.’ Your word is enough. To strengthen your promise with a vow shows that something is wrong. (Matthew 5:37 TLB).

Thanks to Jason Smith (and his Aunt Beulah who used this expression) for the suggestion.

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Heart to Heart--sunset silhouette of young girls forming heart with handsMost relationships benefit from occasional heart-to-heart talks. When we open our hearts to one another, we learn to appreciate each other more.

Heart-to-heart means open and honest.

It usually refers to conversations where we don’t hide our emotions. Such talks occur between:

  • Family members
  • Friends
  • Coworkers
  • Neighbors

Honest discussion helps us work through differences of opinion.

The outcome varies. We may:

  • Agree
  • Compromise
  • Agree to disagree

Although such talks don’t always end the way we hope, they usually result in improvement.

Most heart-to-heart talks involve serious subjects.

We don’t just shoot the breeze. Through open discussion, we try to prevent or work through conflicts. Under ideal circumstances, our talks build on already strong relationships.

We celebrate Valentine’s Day with hearts of all kinds:

  • Candy
  • Cards
  • Cakes
  • Clothing

Why not also include heart-filled conversations? Resolve conflicts. Strengthen bonds. Love with both words and actions.

“I have a lot more things to tell you, but I’d rather not use paper and ink. I hope to be there soon in person and have a heart-to-heart talk. That will be far more satisfying to both you and me” (2 John 1:12-13 MSG).

Thanks to Glenda Britton for the suggestion. Image by u_uf78c121 from Pixabay.

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On the Up and Up

On the Up and Up

On the Up and Up--hot air balloons in front of cloudsOn the up and up sometimes refers to people becoming successful.

With high goals and hard work, they strive for a good:

  • Income
  • Reputation
  • Position

They rise in the business world.

On the up and up also refers to anything improving.

  • Health
  • Work
  • Relationships

Today’s focus relates to behavior.

People on the up and up are:

  • Honest
  • Dependable
  • Respectable
  • Fair

Anything they say can be taken to the bank. As good as their word, they have no need to hide anything they do.

  • When they make a deal, they honor their agreement.
  • If they share information, no one doubts its truth.
  • When they promise to do something, they do it.

People whose behavior is on the up and up live clean, moral, legally upright lives.

They want to do what is right. They may not become rich or famous. However, they find far greater success than money or fame. Their choices give them a clear conscience – a gift money can never buy.

“May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, Lord, is in you” (Psalm 25:21 NIV).

Thanks to Brad Leverett for the suggestion. Image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay

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Make No Bones About It

Make No Bones About It

Make No Bones About It-a cup of soupWhen we serve soup, we want no bones about it. We may cook bones in our soup, but we take them out when we eat. Swallowed bones often result in a visit to the hospital.

The origin of make no bones about it is uncertain.

According to The Free Dictionary, possibilities include:

  • Boneless soup or stew
  • Dice (originally made from bones) thrown with no hesitation

Make no bones about it means to be open and honest.


No one has to guess our meaning. We speak frankly.

However, we want to be honest without being mean.

The truth often hurts as much as a lie. Therefore, if a truth helps no one, let’s bite our tongue. Some words are better left unspoken.

Always speak the truth in love.

“Speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ” (Ephesians 4:15 NIV).

Thanks to Margaret Bertram for the suggestion. Image by RitaE from Pixabay.

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Salt of the Earth

Salt of the Earth

Salt of the Earth-Truck in front of Bonnieville Salt FlatsTo view salt of the earth, take a trip across Utah’s Bonnieville Salt Flats. I thought that solid white scene would last forever.

Such a long stretch of salt flats reminds me of salt’s many uses. Salt helps us:

  • Cook
  • Preserve
  • Clean
  • Remove stains

We also use salt mixtures as a:

  • Mouth rinse for sore throats
  • Spray for stuffy noses
  • Soak for pain relief
  • Beauty scrub

Salt can also cause problems, such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • Road and driveway damage (after using it to melt snow and ice)

Today we will focus on salt’s benefits.

To say people are salt of the earth is a compliment.

We mean they are:

Such people are worth their salt. We respect and trust them. They work hard and treat others well.

This expression comes from the Bible.

Jesus describes His followers as salt and light. Like salt and light, God created us to make our world a better place. However, if we fail to fulfill our purpose, we become worthless.

May we always flavor, preserve, protect, beautify, and heal our world, especially in these difficult times.

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot” (Matthew 5:13 NIV).

Thanks to Janna Babak for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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Crocodile Tears

Crocodile Tears

Crocodile Tears--crocodile in a swampWe don’t want anyone to cry crocodile tears for us. Neither do we want to cry crocodile tears for anyone else.

Crocodile tears mean false tears.

We act sad about something, but we really don’t care.

Years ago people thought crocodiles cried either:

  • To trap their victims
  • Or as they ate their victims

However, any tears crocodiles shed are not tears of sorrow. You can read more about that here.

Examples of crocodile tears include:

  • Saying we are sorry someone lost a job we plan to take
  • Crying at the funeral of someone we never liked
  • Acting sad we hurt someone we meant to hurt

Rather than crocodile tears, may we honestly care for one another.

  • Love like Jesus loves.
  • Live like Jesus lives.
  • Give like Jesus gives.
  • Forgive like Jesus forgives.

May we be as good as our word (and our tears).

When others are happy, be happy with them. If they are sad, share their sorrow (Romans 12:15 TLB).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion.

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Heart of Gold

Heart of Gold

Heart of Gold--a gold heartDo you know people who have a heart of gold? Why not honor them this Valentine’s Day?

I know most people think of romantic love on Valentine’s Day. So do I. Yet, why not show other kinds of love as well? I don’t know of any rule against that.

 People with a heart of gold give often.

They also give much. They are:

  • Kind
  • Friendly
  • Honest
  • Good natured

They give of themselves.

People with a heart of gold think of others before themselves.

They sometimes give away what they need, no strings attached. They love other people that much. Plus, they care for strangers as well as friends and family.

People with a heart of gold make good role models.

Think how wonderful the world would be if everyone showed that kind of love.

People value gold for its goodness.

Why not show caring people they are valued for their goodness too?

  • Thank them for their loving hearts.
  • Give them something they need or want
  • Give a gift to charity in their honor.
  • Hug them.
  • Take them to dinner.

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10 NIV).

Who do you know with a heart of gold?

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As Good as Their Word

As Good as Their Word

As Good as Their WordYears ago, people made many business deals with a handshake.

They were as good as their word. Their word — what they said — required no paperwork. They signed no contract. They hired no lawyer.

Everyone knew who was as good as their word. One of the greatest compliments was to be called an honest person.

Our world today has grown complicated.

Almost everyone uses contracts. Courts stay busy because people break contracts. Many people look for legal ways to avoid their responsibilities. Sometimes they get caught red-handed

Let’s win trust back.

  • Instead of avoiding the truth, let’s honor our word.
  • Instead of making excuses for our actions, let’s apologize when wrong.
  • Instead of helping only ourselves, let’s help one another.

We still have people as good as their word. Let’s join them.

Together we can:

  • Rebuild trust in one another.
  • Earn honest reputations.
  • Serve as positive examples for children and youth.

“Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment” (Proverbs 12:19).

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