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Tag: honor God

On the Same Page

On the Same Page

On the Same Page: Grandmother reading to grandson, his mouth open in surpriseWhen we read a book together, we want to be on the same page. To read the same words and see the same pictures gives us mutual understanding.

On the same page means we agree.

We share the same:

  • Viewpoint or opinion
  • Attitude
  • Goals
  • Perception

By staying on the same page, we avoid confusion.

We begin and proceed with a similar mindset. As a result, we achieve far more than if our plans or ideas clash.

This remains true whatever we do.

  • Work
  • Sports
  • Academics
  • Investments

However, we want to stay on the same page for the right reasons.

Will our choices:

  • Honor God?
  • Serve the needs of others?
  • Challenge us to be the best we can be?

For the best life, go by the best book, the Bible. In it we learn the source of true joy and the challenge to share that joy with others..

“Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind” (Philippians 2:2 NIV).

This idea came from a post by Amy Walsh with Wisdom, Whimsy, and Wordsmithing. Thanks to Tracy Crump for the photo.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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This Here

This Here

This Here--small frog inside a flower looking in a windowThis here frog stared at me from outside our kitchen window. I stared back in amazement. He was so tiny, and he stayed in that same spot for hours. He appeared out of the blue around the same time and place the year before.

I don’t know where he stays between his yearly visits. He does not know I used to be terrified of frogs. They gave me the heebie-jeebies. Yet, his visits brighten my days.

“This here” points out someone or something.

It is an informal way to say “this” and refers to a specific person or object.

Other examples of its use include:

  • We are going fishing on this here boat.
  • I want to buy this here phone.
  • My family loves this here farm.

I usually hear this expression spoken in casual country conversations.

However, I have not heard it for a long time.

Whether I say “this” or “this here” matters less than the rest of my words.

Are they true and kind? Do they honor God? Like my frog friend, do they brighten someone’s day.

“The Lord detests the thoughts of the wicked, but gracious words are pure in his sight” (Proverbs 15:26 NIV).

Thanks to Catherine Nicholson for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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