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Bear Fruit

Bear Fruit

Bear Fruit--berries on a cherry treeDo berries grow on a cherry tree? I don’t think so. Yet, this picture looks that way.

Plants bear their own kind of fruit.

Berries grow on berry vines or plants. Cherries grow on cherry trees.

People also bear fruit.

Like plants, they bear their own kind of fruit.

  • Farmers grow crops.
  • Owners of clothing stores sell clothes.
  • Artists create works of art.

All have their own talents. Like the berry vine on this cherry tree, people may get close to those with other talents. Yet they bear our own fruit. Few people are a jack of all trades.

To bear fruit means people have good results.

Their work ends in success.

  • Farmers grow good crops.
  • Clothing store owners sell lots of clothes.
  • Artists create amazing paintings or other works of art.

Whatever people’s talents, they do well to bear the best fruit possible.

Remember, people reap what they sow. Therefore, they need to put their hand to the plow, ready to do good work

“No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers” (Luke 6: 43-44 NIV).

Thanks to Ron and Mary Lou Rafferty for the suggestion and picture.

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Free and Clear

Free and Clear

Free and Clear--white houseIf we own something free and clear, it belongs to us.

We owe nothing for it. Many of us make house payments for years. After the final payment, our house belongs to us free and clear. That makes us feel free as a bird.

Sometimes we receive free and clear gifts.

We owe nothing for those gifts. They may come from:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Neighbors
  • Anyone

Other times we give free and clear gifts.

When we hear of needs, we want to help. Therefore, we give and expect nothing in return.

We may also give for no special reason. We simply like to share.

Gifts may be large or small.

Many cost little or nothing, such as:

  • Notes
  • Crafts
  • Food
  • Flowers or vegetables from our gardens

People who sign up for my email list receive:

  • My weekly blog posts
  • News about my writing journey
  • Occasional gifts

The first email includes a link for a free copy of “Words of Hope for Days That Hurt.” I like to thank subscribers for their support. Small gifts help me do that.

God offers us the greatest gift of all.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8 NIV).

What free and clear gifts do you like to give?

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Down in the Mouth

Down in the Mouth

Down in the Mouth-sad puppy between two smiling scarecrowsWe all get down in the mouth sometimes.

Down in the mouth and down in the dumps mean almost the same. We feel:

  • Sad
  • Depressed
  • Hopeless

In the middle of smiling faces, we still feel bad.

We may be able to hide how we feel when we get down in the dumps.

Usually people know when we feel down in the mouth.

Happy faces disappear. Smiles turn upside down. We:

  • Frown
  • Cry
  • Have nothing good to say

Hard times often make us down in the mouth.

We have trouble with:

  • Relationships
  • Jobs
  • Health
  • Daily life
  • Bad news of any kind

We don’t have to stay down in the mouth.

Sure, life gets hard. We all have problems. However, good can come from the hardest times. God offers hope in both good times and bad.

Therefore, let’s remember to always:

  • Count our blessings
  • Learn from tough cookies who have gone through worse times than ours
  • Look to God for guidance

“My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you” (Psalm 42:6 NIV).

Thanks to Brad Leverett for the suggestion and to Gosser Farms for the photo.

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Put Our Hand to the Plow

Put Our Hand to the Plow

Put Our Hand to the Plow--horses pulling old plowWhen we put our hand to the plow, we are ready to work.

Years ago farmers ran their plows behind horses or mules. When they put their hand to the plow, they usually had a full day of work.

A few people still prepare their land for planting the old way. However, most farmers today use tractors with bigger plows.

Homeplace on Green River hosts Plow Day each spring. During this festival, people watch farmers plow like they did in the good old days. They see the ground break open, ready for planting.

In the past, when seeds began to grow, farmers had hard rows to hoe. Harvest time meant more work

Most farmers today have easier ways to work. However, farming still means long, hard days.

When we put our hand to the plow, we have hard work ahead.

We may not plow fields. Yet, we face long hours with much to do.

Sometimes we put our hand to the plow for ourselves. Other times we put our hand to the plow for someone else.

Whether farmers or office workers, we can experience the joy of hard work and a job well done. At the end of those long days, most of us are ready to hit the hay.

“Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’” (Luke 9:62 NIV).

Thanks to Sarah Borders Creason for the photo from Homeplace on Green River’s 2016 Plow Day.

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Run with It

Run with It

Run with It--runners in a raceSometimes we get an idea and run with it.

We see a need or better way to do something, so we take care of it. Occasionally we say take the ball and run with it.

We run with it when we act on what we think should be done.

 We don’t wait for someone else to:

  • Tell us what to do
  • Do it
  • Help us do it

Instead, we figure out what to do. Then we meet the need by ourselves and in our own way.

Other times we wait on an idea. 

We wait for:

  • The right time
  • More information
  • Someone to show us or tell us what to do
  • Extra help

Without help, we can get in over our heads or run out of steam.

After we run with an idea alone, we may decide to ask for help.

A good idea often grows and needs more workers.

Whether we run with an idea on our own or work with others, we do well when we meet the needs around us.

“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:1-2 NKJV).

Thanks to Judy Clark for the suggestion and Franklin Clark for the photo.

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In Hot Water

In Hot Water

In Hot Water--Yellowstone geyser basinIf I take a wrong step in Yellowstone National Park’s geyser basins, I end up in hot water. Other people have done that and did not live to talk about it.

I have been in hot water a few times in my life. I did not like it and don’t want to do it again.

If I am in hot water, I am in trouble.

I have done something wrong. My actions:

  • Make someone angry
  • Result in my punishment
  • Cause shame for me or those close to me
  • Put me in the doghouse

I would like to say I have never been in hot water.  

However, I can’t.

  • Sometimes, I make mistakes I don’t mean to make.
  • Other times I make mistakes because I want my way instead of the right way.

I may end up in hot water if the rules are wrong.

If someone in authority says to do something morally wrong, I must choose.

  • Will I do what the person in authority says?
  • Or will I make the right choice and end up in hot water?

I hope I always make the right choice and follow the straight and narrow.

In every situation, I live with the results of the choice I make. I reap what I sow.

“The Lord shows his faithful followers the way they should live” (Psalm 25:12 NET).

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Rise from the Ashes

Rise from the Ashes

Fise from the Ashes-Mount St. Helens
Mount St. Helens, July 2011

On Sunday, May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens blew.

Everything disappeared under the volcano’s ash and heat.

  • Trees
  • Plants
  • Houses
  • Animals
  • People

Yet, soon after, life began to rise from the ashes.

Plants grew. Animals returned. The land’s rebirth amazes all who see it.

Rise from the ashes comes from a myth about a bird.

The bird burns to death and then rises from the ashes.

However, the possibility of a fresh start is no myth. Anyone can begin again after hard times.

People must decide if they will rise from the ashes.

Will they refuse to allow a bad experience to keep them down? Or will they pick up the pieces of their life and keep going.

Sometimes people recover by themselves.

They heal from:

  • Illness
  • Job loss
  • Death of a loved one
  • Theft
  • Failure

Other times people recover as a group.

They heal from:

  • School shootings
  • War
  • Business failure
  • Floods
  • Fires
  • Tornados
  • Other man-made or natural disasters

With Jesus, anyone can rise from the ashes of sin and death.

When Jesus rose from the dead that first Easter morning, He defeated sin and death.

All who accept Jesus as Savior and Lord receive:

  • Forgiveness of sin
  • New life
  • An eternal home in heaven
  • Peace in all life’s storms

Not every problem disappears, but Jesus walks with believers through every problem.

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay” (Matthew 28:6 NIV).

Have you had a rise from the ashes experience? If so, please comment.

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Get Off on the Wrong Foot

Get Off on the Wrong Foot

Get Off on the Wrong Foot, military paradeLike people in a military parade, we do not want to get off on the wrong foot. We want to start right.

If we get off on the wrong foot, we do not start well.

Something goes wrong from the beginning. Bad starts happen in:

  • Work
  • Play
  • Relationships

Correcting a bad start can be difficult.

We must work hard to make it right. As John Wooden said, “If you do not have the time to do it right, when will you find the time to do it over?” Giving our best from the beginning makes life easier for everyone.

Correcting a bad start is possible.

Often we get off on the wrong foot by mistake. We did not mean to do it. We must work harder to correct our mistake. Yet, we can do it.

If we never made mistakes, we would not need:

  • Erasers
  • Delete buttons
  • The words I’m sorry

We all get off on the wrong foot sometimes.

When that happens, we want to

  • Come clean. Admit what we did wrong.
  • Face the music. Do what we must to correct the mistake.
  • Make a fresh start. Start over.
  • Forgive others when they get off on the wrong foot.

“When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me” (Psalm 94:18 NIV).

Thanks to Pat Stapp for the suggestion.

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For the Birds

For the Birds

For the Birds--ducks and geeseMy list of things for the birds includes:

  • Football
  • High heels
  • Gravy

I see little good in any of them. Neither do I understand why anyone likes them. Yet, you may enjoy all three.

Anything for the birds has little or no value.

We consider it:

  • Undesirable
  • Nonsense
  • A waste of time

For the birds can also mean something is:

  • Stupid
  • Boring
  • Frustrating
  • Annoying

This phrase may refer to birds picking seeds out of horse manure.

Probably none of us want to do that. I love the country and long walks in the middle of nowhere.  Yet, I prefer to stay away from manure.

Although I don’t like to be near manure, it does have value. Manure provides a natural fertilizer for the soil. Some people buy it, so it is not just for the birds after all.

Perhaps we need to be careful what we consider for the birds.

What we think worthless may be a blessing in disguise.

However, I still don’t like football, high heels, or gravy.

“Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word” (Psalm 119:37 NIV).

Thanks to Melissa Graham for the suggestion.

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Make a Mountain Out of a Molehill

Make a Mountain Out of a Molehill

Make a Mountain out of a molehill--mountain reflected in waterWe often let the smallest problem bother us most.

We make a mountain out of a molehill. We make:

  • Something easy seem hard
  • A small problem seem big
  • Something unimportant seem important

Moles are small animals. So are the hills they make. Yet, we don’t like them.

  • They make a mess in yards and fields.
  • We may fall if we step on them.

However, if we watch our step, we can walk around or over molehills. We must climb for days to the top of some mountains.

Molehills destroy a yard’s beauty. A mountain’s volcano can destroy everything for miles.

We often forget how small our problems are.

Think about:

  • Colds compared to cancer
  • Flat tires compared to car wrecks
  • A bad meal compared to no food
  • A rained-out ballgame compared to an island destroyed by a storm

We may not feel on top of the world all the time. However, most days can be hunky dory.

Make a Mountain out of a MolehillLet’s not allow small problems to ruin our lives.

Rather than make a mountain out of a molehill, remember what matters most. Also remember, whether our problems are big or small, we never have to walk alone.

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us—they help us learn to be patient” (Romans 5:3 TLB).

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