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Idle Hands Are the Devil’s Tools

Idle Hands Are the Devil’s Tools

Idle Hands Are the Devil's Tools-hands shaping potteryWe can use our hands for great good or great evil. Too much free time often leads us the wrong direction. Idle hands are the devil’s tools.

Idle hands are the devil’s tools has several similar proverbs.

They include:

  • Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.
  • An idle brain (or mind) is the devil’s workshop.
  • Idle hands do the devil’s work.

All mean we are more likely to get into trouble when we have nothing to do.

Busy minds and hands leave little time for mischief.

We need free time and rest, but not too much.

Children (and adults) need time to use their imaginations. They also need to learn the value of work and helping others. Good habits learned early in life help us the rest of our lives.

Hands that create beautiful pieces of art can also destroy that beauty.

However, if we pick up the pieces of the messes we make, we can create something lovely again.

Give God your hands, the broken pieces of your life — all of you — and watch Him work.

“Let your hands not be idle” (Ecclesiastes 11:6 NIV)

Thanks to Judy Corbin for the suggestion. Thanks also to Judy Clark for finding the photo of Tommy Clark and to Richard Robards for permission to use it.

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