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Not My Cup of Tea

Not My Cup of Tea

Not My Cup of Tea-tea, Bible, paper and penCoffee is not my cup of tea. I don’t like it. Water, milk, and tea are. I enjoy all three.

Not my cup of tea refers to anything I don’t like.

I don’t want or enjoy:

  • Its taste
  • How it looks
  • Spending time with it

Other items on my dislike list include:

  • Lobster
  • Video games
  • Poison ivy

Something is my cup of tea if I like it.

Items on that list include:

My likes may differ from yours.

That makes life more interesting. Don’t you agree?

Whatever is or is not your cup of tea, I pray your cup runs over with God’s blessings.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion.

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Reach for the Sky

Reach for the Sky

Reach for the sky--Devil's Tower with the sky aboveReach for the sky has two meanings.

  1. A robber tells people to hold their hands in the air by saying, “Reach for the sky.”
  2. We tell people to set high goals by saying, “Reach for the sky.”

We will focus on the second meaning.

When we look at the sky, it seems so far away.

  • The clouds float high above us.
  • Birds fly into it.
  • Children pretend to touch it.
  • Yet, how can we reach it?

When we look at goals, they may also appear far away.

  • Some goals seem greater than our ability.
  • Other people succeed while we fail.
  • We sometimes do nothing more than dream of what we want to do.

Far away does not mean impossible. 

In spite of challenges, we can reach the sky. In spite of challenges, we can reach our goals. Yet, how do we do that?

We reach goals, like most of life, one step at a time. We may never get as far as we hope. Yet, we will get closer than if we never tried. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

If we try, we may surprise ourselves. In addition to reaching our goals, we could go far beyond them.

“Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies” (Psalm 36:5 NIV).

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