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Tag: John Wooden

Make Up for Lost Time

Make Up for Lost Time

Make Up for Lost Time--grandfather clockMost of us have had to make up for lost time. We plan to complete tasks. Yet, other events interfere with those plans.

To make up for lost time means to spend time doing what we should have done earlier.

Because of our delay, we have to work quicker or longer to get the job done. For example, we:

  • Leave late and drive faster to arrive on time. (I don’t recommend this.)
  • Fail to complete a work assignment and have to work harder later.

We occasionally make up for lost time in our relationships.

  • After years apart or with little time together, we focus on one another.
  • When illness prevents favorite activities, we spend extra time on them after we heal.

Too often, we waste time.

That looks different for each of us. We dillydally when we:

  • Delay a task we don’t want to perform
  • Sleep late
  • Spend excess time on fun but useless activities

 We also make up for lost time through no fault of our own.

We simply have more to do than we can do.

  • Emergencies occur.
  • We complete the work other people failed to do.
  • Unexpected requests or assignments arise.

God gives each of us twenty-four hours a day.

Will we:

  • Use it wisely?
  • Keep our priorities in order?
  • Do our best?

As John Wooden said, “If you don’t have time to do it right, when are you going to have the time to do it over?”

“I trust in you, Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hands.” —Psalm 31:14-15

Thanks to Beckham Wilson for the suggestion and to Beverly Ennis for the photo.

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Get Off on the Wrong Foot

Get Off on the Wrong Foot

Get Off on the Wrong Foot, military paradeLike people in a military parade, we do not want to get off on the wrong foot. We want to start right.

If we get off on the wrong foot, we do not start well.

Something goes wrong from the beginning. Bad starts happen in:

  • Work
  • Play
  • Relationships

Correcting a bad start can be difficult.

We must work hard to make it right. As John Wooden said, “If you do not have the time to do it right, when will you find the time to do it over?” Giving our best from the beginning makes life easier for everyone.

Correcting a bad start is possible.

Often we get off on the wrong foot by mistake. We did not mean to do it. We must work harder to correct our mistake. Yet, we can do it.

If we never made mistakes, we would not need:

  • Erasers
  • Delete buttons
  • The words I’m sorry

We all get off on the wrong foot sometimes.

When that happens, we want to

  • Come clean. Admit what we did wrong.
  • Face the music. Do what we must to correct the mistake.
  • Make a fresh start. Start over.
  • Forgive others when they get off on the wrong foot.

“When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me” (Psalm 94:18 NIV).

Thanks to Pat Stapp for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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