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Tag: love

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

Puppy Love 1Puppies are cute, sweet, and make us smile. The same is true for puppy love — children or young people falling in love. We smile at puppy love, but we know it seldom lasts.

The problem: Puppy love depends on emotions alone — how do I feel?

  • If you make me feel good, I love you.
  • If you make me feel bad, I don’t love you.
  • If we have fun, I love you.
  • If we don’t have fun, I don’t love you.

As a result, young people may fall in and out of love several times.

Sadly many adults define love the same way.

The trouble with that thinking:

  • Good feelings come and go.
  • Life is not always fun.

True love – lasting love – means much more.

  •  I choose to love you.
  • I commit my life to you.
  • I will do what is best for you.

That does not mean love is blind. It does mean:

  • I accept that no one is perfect.
  • I will work with you on our disagreements.
  • I love you, even when I don’t like you or your actions.

In any relationship we sometimes feel on top of the world. Other times we feel like we are in a valley. True love says, “I will walk with you wherever the journey takes us.”

Love is a choice. Love is a verb.

Note:  If abuse occurs in a relationship, seek help and protection immediately.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs” (1 Corinthians 13:4-5).

What do you think true love means? Please comment.

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas!

We often hear this greeting during the month of December. But what does it really mean?

  • Happy holiday?
  • Enjoy a good December?
  • Have fun?

We often mean all the above. However, for those who believe in Jesus, the Christ of Christmas, it means so much more.

The word Christmas comes from the Old English “Mass of Christ.”

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus, the Christ.

Many people celebrate Christmas without knowing the Christmas story. They focus on decorated trees, Santa Claus, parties, and presents. They have no idea Jesus is the greatest gift.

Jesus came to give eternal life and a home in heaven.

He offers His presence and a life filled with:

  •  Hope
  • Peace
  • Joy
  • Love

As with any gift, we can accept Jesus’ gift or reject it.

I pray that you accept Jesus’ life-changing gift this Christmas and share it with everyone you meet.

Merry Christmas! Joy to the world! The Lord has come.

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”) (Matthew 1:23 NIV).

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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